
Friday 29 June 2012

11 Serpent, Friday 29 June

Today the energy focus is on survival, both physical and financial. However, do not react from a place of fear -- go deeper.

Tune into the life force in your body today.

Your cellular impulses are adjusted by whatever direction is taken by your attention and imagination. This adaptation to your vision is an instinctive process.

Do not underestimate the power of your life force, the deepest level of desire you have.

The door into this base energy opens for you today. The Serpent life force has an instinctive intelligence that can lead you in the best direction for your survival and flourishment.

Adjustment, adaptability, improvement and some gentle releasing

Thursday 28 June 2012

10 Lizard or Seed

Today, being Day 10 in the Eagle timewave, the soft focus of seeing existence with the clear unsentimental vision of Eagle produces the manifestation of a clear intention.

A good day to see the present condition and symbolic picture of your life template. A good day to map out and envisage the intent for your purpose and being.

Everything has a template. Every form, be it organic or nonorganic, every life has a template. However, I suggest that templates are not fixed as absolutes; rather, they are enduring essential abstract thoughtforms evoked from the monadic plane of existence during the involution of consciousness, then shaped by the systemic forces of the material realm.

Why are they not fixed? We live in a feedback universe of toroidal form. Thus your actions and being in every moment are enfolded back into your self, the self that is beyond this life. The template adapts and adjusts, albeit slowly. The template grows and adjusts as we feed back to it from our life experience.

Wednesday 27 June 2012

9 Darkhouse, Night or Foredawn, Wednesday 27 June

A good day to find inner security.

The 9th day of the timewave cycle is always one where we wake up beyond the 13-day cycle we are in and have a connection to the future and the past. The larger cycles of our life come into our awareness. What has completed or is completing?

The Dark House is the void before dawn, the moment of anticipation that is devoid of anything that the mind can grasp, but which is fecund with what the soul can sense.

Be with the mystery. Become conscious of the fecund space of today. Create some time for daydreaming. Enjoy and feel at home in the emptiness that feels fertile.

Are you feeling lost? Then go deeper into the mystery, for the soul is not lost but at home in the mystery.

Are You Feeling as if You Are at a Standstill?

This seems to fit nicely with the fact that Venus has come to a standstill before going into direct motion on 28/29 June. If you felt connected to the Venus transit on June 5/6 then this is the next wave of that energy, so bear this in mind. It might be that if Venus is appropriately placed in your chart that you feel you are at a standstill today. If so then you will feel the surge of energy moving forward in the 36 hours or so.

Venus goes direct on 28 at 20.33 GMT or , it has been retrograde since 15 May. Venus retrograde is a heart felt period of re-evaluation, it can also effect financial flow.

Tuesday 26 June 2012

8 Wind, Tuesday 26 June

Come into harmony with the message that life is giving you and harmonize your information. Bring balance to what you have to say, so that you can commit to the essential message you want to convey to others.

This is a day of commitment to communication. Clear those emails, phone that person or commit to the message you really need to convey - this means prioritize. What is it you really need to say and who do you really need to say it to? What is the most important communication you need to make today?

What goes around comes around: Receiving a message...

During the last timewave, which was a Wind timewave, you sent out a breath, a powerful and clear thought -- orally, telepathically or via a text or an email -- which has now activated or catalyzed someone and they are responding today.

Monday 25 June 2012

7 Crocodile or Dragon, Monday 25 June

Take it easy today. A day to come into alignment with your beingness. Nurture and accept; allow life to feed you. Release compulsions.

Be truly receptive and you can receive a life vision.

Effortless resonance.

Uranus is now in a 90 degree relationship with Pluto, this means the game on the world stage is speeding up from now on in. Today take time to be receptive to the new impulse. Open to the primal force by assuming that you are in resonance with what is going on if you are able to recieve.

Sunday 24 June 2012

6 Flower, Sun or Lord, Sunday


The Sun is also known as the Lord Marksman because it shoots out its Prana to each and every one of us. The day is also known as Flower, a delicate manifest celebration of light.

Day 6 in every timewave is a day of rhythm; delicately organized, organically structured with a flow.

Today you can organically step into your power. True power though is 'meek', not weak but humble, not tolerant of injustice, but not aggressive, not frightened to speak the truth for when you are attuned to the Sun your authority comes from the Source.

The sensitive person surrenders to the Source. This takes strength, strength of receptivity and a heart-based decision to radiate the truth of a conscious creative reality without apology to those who would negate life and reduce it to its baser elements.

A reminder to you:

The 260-day calendar is a different frequency of time that exists simultaneously alongside the standard 7-day week, 12-month year of the Gregorian calendar, as well as the 13-month Lunar cycle.

By following the Sacred Mayan Calendar, you start to tune into this other frequency, which is a subtle pervading flavour of reality that synchronizes life on Earth with the greater galaxy.

The 260-day Tzolkin is both archaic-shamanic and techno-futuristic. You are accessing a whole different realm of time/space/energy. Be patient and just observe and enjoy the 13-day rhythm and the 20-day rhythm. Gradually its consciousness does awaken within you.

Saturday 23 June 2012

5 Storm, Saturday 23 June 2012

The first exact square of Uranus and Pluto is tomorrow. Stay conscious of the radical energy being seeded over the next few days (this aspect lasts until 2015 and promises cultural change, clashes of values and deep innovation).

Be the peace in the eye of the storm. Look to retain some detachment and internal quiet, whilst you enjoy the unusual routine and unexpected occurrences. Today offers you the chance to be enlivened by the change of rhythm, without being pulled into full external engagement.

A good day to wake up to the fact that an obligation, something that has been dragging you down without your knowing it, can be released.

Also a good day to enter the world of the Nagual, the parallel realms of the shaman/sorcerer, as a vortex opens within you, freeing you, purifying you from your identity and compulsions. See with your inner eye and feel the enticement of the direct experience of another land... if you dip your toe, the energy will flow and then you must surrender...

Friday 22 June 2012

4 Obsidian Mirror, Friday 22 June 2012

A day of transparent reflection. See yourself in all things; see others within you.

Help another with their vision for life, to help you see or receive your own life vision more clearly.

The foundation of life, from the Soul's perspective, is the multidimensional structure created by the Soul's involution before birth. The Soul slowly falls asleep, creating dreams within dreams within dreams, until birth, when the body wakes up and we have mostly forgotten the journey of incarnation. The Soul reflects upon itself and then the reflection reflects upon itself, creating the levels of the psyche.

Today you might feel the remembrance of the dreamer and get a hint of the levels of the psyche normally hidden from the conscious mind. Look outside the mind to see your Soul reflected back to you.

The challenges of this epoch require personal responsibility, BUT they require a more open adaptive, connective responsibility that realizes that the psychic landscape is in flux. This means your sense of unease is not just within your personal domain, the whole planet is in flux and uncertainty. See the reflections within the reflections. Live with the edge of uncertainty.

Mirror, mirror on the wall would you please stop moving!

Open your mind to the flowing, fluctuating, psychic landscape, the planet is on the move, but it starts with flux.

Thursday 21 June 2012

3 Earthmover, Thursday 21 June 2012

Generating energy for a more complete vision and connection with life...celebrate the Solstice with a recognition of the luminous vitality of life. Connect to the joy within the summer, even if you live in England.

The shifting energy, the swirling chaotic maelstrom of Earth and human society, has an evolutionary impulse towards greater and greater complex unity. Energy is not lost when disruptions occur in our life, rather energy is released for new structures.

Today you can feel the movement of energy, even if the direction of change is not obvious. Go with the shifting environment you find yourself in.

A reminder: the 260-day calendar of the Maya links our daily lives with the greater cosmos that Earth is part of.

Wednesday 20 June 2012

2 Owl, Vulture or Warrior, Wednesday 20 June 2012

A good day to strengthen the mind and prepare a clear channel for your highest truth to shine through later. Today brings the challenge of holding two truths, which on the surface seem to oppose, disturb or disrupt each other -- hold your ground, for the overall vision encompasses both truths.

A day when it is often best to stay silent; do not rush to offer your opinion. Enjoy the diversity of other people's minds. A good day to listen and note differences.

The challenge of our times in summed up by the fact that we live with some extreme potentials such as the Syria situation the possible meltdown of the global economy as the European financial situation worsens, yet the optimism and the desire for positive change is getting stronger.

Whether it be personal or social, withhold judgement yet become conscious of the polarities, the light and the shadow. Prepare the ground...


Tuesday 19 June 2012

1 Eagle, Tuesday 19 June 2012

I will be doing a webinar with Great Mystery in July, you are invited, there is a link at the end of this post.

A 13-day ripple in time starts today where the consciousness of the World Mind and its vision can make itself seen through you. Open your heart and imagination without sentiment to receive the vision from the eagle.

What is it that the spirit of the world sees? Can we see it?

Yes, it is the existential joy of life enjoying its own simple existence. The World Mind is immanent. Meditation will often take you beyond the world into the transcendental zone, but this immanence is here now, inherently within your physical pleasures and your struggles, as an expansive consciousness that helps you appreciate your life as an art form

Hold a Vision for the World

In this timewave we will see the Uranus square Pluto on June 24th, this is the first of seven exact squares until 2015. The square is tied to the 1965/6 conjunction of Uranus and Pluto that epitomized the 1960s...change. Change needs vision, add the power of your good energy to the world holding a vision for the world.

Now is a good time to get a sense of your personal vision for your life within the context of a world vision, trust the intuitive and the imaginary faculties, allow yourself to validate your gnosis.

You are invited...

2012 and Beyond: Transformation of the Psychic Landscape & the Emerging Planetary Consciousness

The Webinar details are here. Please put the date in your diary, thank you Laurence

Monday 18 June 2012

13 Jaguar, 18 June 2012

The ever-present wildlife force enriches this day as the atmosphere is quietly crackling with cat-like anticipation, while the air seethes with mysterious, brooding, feminine intelligence, stalking us and reminding us that life is alive and not just an idea in our heads.

The Wind god can be an angry god and on this day, being the last day of his timewave, he disperses his energy--maybe through anger to clear the air, either verbally or through dramatic thunder and lightning storms.

A good day to align with your shamanic instinct.

Sunday 17 June 2012

12 Reed or Skywalker, Sunday 17 June 2012

A day of great clarity in areas of complexity. You see your life with real detachment, from above; with this, a profound understanding is possible. The mind is aligned with higher complex ordered intelligence.

Surrendering to the intelligence above, you receive that intelligence so as to formulate new patterns and understandings and bring divine intelligence into the body, onto the Earth.

Be an Earth conduit for the Sky and Stars.

You can resolve some difficult paradoxes today. If you have been struggling with a situation that is full of polarized conflicting and confusing dilemmas then you may well find that by tuning in, you can see a larger pattern, a more complete truth that allows for discordancy within a larger dynamic harmony.

Saturday 16 June 2012

11 Good Road, Grass, Tooth or Human

A good day to listen and be open to receive. Apply yourself in an adaptive manner -- activities that involve making adjustments are favoured. Abundance is being offered; new potentials could open up. Be alert enough to read the signs and hear the messages.

Have an empty mind, but do not be an airhead. Utilize the energy that comes towards you.

The path opens up before you, do you stay on course or do you get distracted?

Be conscious and sensitive of the options in your life, as small things grow into big things from this moment. Take a moment to see what small adjustments are needed.

Friday 15 June 2012

10 Monkey, friday 15 June

Monkey 10 is the manifestation day of this, the Wind, timewave. The Monkey is an artisan, a creator of the tapestry of reality, sculpting reality from thought forms, ideas and perspectives.

This is a great day for finding creative connections between different ideas and paradigms.

Monkey also knows that information has limited value because Monkey is the one who plays with all ideas, all threads, to create the illusion of form. Monkey teaches us to laugh at ourselves if we take anything to be absolute gospel, be that science or spiritual philosophy.

So give it up a little today. Enjoy music and art and the wonderful absurdity of the world, enjoy creative thinking, writing, electronic communication and conversation and be entertaining rather than coldly factual. Have fun with ideas.

It is also a good day to explore your inner world through fantasy. The creative innovator is someone who is constantly open to moving laterally, to surrender to the fallow periods, to allow the cosmic intelligence to speak to them and through them. The world is hungry for and ready (Uranus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn first exact aspect June 24th) for fundamental innovations, not just superficial ready.

A brilliant day to create a poetic witty composition.

Thursday 14 June 2012

9 Dog, Thursday 14 June

A good day to get in touch with the deepest needs we have, linked to being conscious of the nourishment that life just gives us automatically.

A day of clear conscious communication that is emotionally connected as you awaken the soul's memory of who you are in relation to society and evoke the soul in your emotional body.

Today you can feel how life reaches out to you. You are not alone; there are special people in your life and life itself is sharing your journey with you.

Open to a higher perspective on your mood and your emotions. Feel into the simplicity of love, rather than the imperfections of your experience with others.

Alternatively, just be with yourself; enjoy stopping, being still, being on holiday, feeling slack. Go sit in nature, stare at an old brick wall, whatever it takes to just relax without trying.

The world is so driven by an economic imperative these days that it seems hard to consciously go slack and enjoy the beauty and tranquility of the world without necessity. We need peace in this world, which firstly requires permission to not be actively concerned with survival. Nature is not just about survival -- actually far from it. The insects, birds and animals are naturally, unthinkingly expressing the joy of existence in their sounds and actions.

The drone of the 'necessity mind' and guilt is blocking out the ever-present inherent message that life, at its foundation and throughout its development, is good.

Hippies and 'slackers' get a bad press, but if we have more conscious slackers in the world, enjoying the bliss and appreciation of what exists, then we could have peace. The conscious slacker scares the hell out of the control freaks of governance -- the revolution will be a walk out. To change the world we must first be able to get off the hamster wheel of necessity more often.

Wake up to the nourishment you really need and feel the ever-present joy of existence.

Wednesday 13 June 2012

8 Water or Moon, Wednesday 13 June 2012

Commit to soulfulness and connect to your inner life.

Living with the richness of soul sometimes means accepting the existential bleakness of life, as well as the bliss.

The sum total of life is a quiet joy, a growing sense of awe and appreciation for life itself, free from too many expectations or demands. This in turn opens your heart to another, without too much sentiment or need.

Today, commit to your depth and your own profound feelings. Recognize the validity of your life experience.

The Venus Transit Effect

I have had a lot of unsolicited feedback over the last two days. My original posts about the Venus Transit--which is also allied to general social environment of this 2012 era--talked of FLUX, the increasing lateral fluctuations of energy. In particular with the Venus Transit we are seeing widening polarities of feelings, from despair to euphoria, high energy to low energy. The astral light is fluctuating, this flux, which is a movement back and forth is a prelude or a prerequisite for dramatic change. Hang on in there and today search inside for your centre, the soulful centre of connectedness.

Tuesday 12 June 2012

7 Rabbit or Star, Tuesday

Sparkling with radiant connection, you flit from here to there, spreading the love or at least some abundant and fecund creative ideas. A sparkly day, a resonant day, meaning a day that mirrors the totality of existence.

Today is a fractal of the cosmic light of creation. Enjoy the abundance of today--the natural inherent abundance--without too much expenditure. You do not need to get carried away with money, partying too hard, or any kind of excess. Be in the abundance by allowing the light to shine through you.

However there is a shadow.

Today has resonance with the Venus transit, today you can really connect to the energy of the transit, how it is unfolding especially in regards to the 2012 effect. Rabbit is associated with the drunkenness of Venus as well the beauty, fertility and love.

The shadow is the attraction to everything, the allure of the excitement of this, that and the other, that can be superficial or worse. The great problem is feeling that everything is sour, not satisfying as the mind and the heart is constantly distracted. This can lead to vapid depression, where nothing feels the hole inside as we lose the ability to anchor the self and concentrate on any one thing.


The astrology chart for the Winter Soltice this year (set for Izapa) has Venus on the Ascendant as activator of the Yod with Jupiter at the apex in Gemini (conjunct Venus Transit placement in Gemini). Information overload, seduction of novelty and scattering of energy.

The Challenge of the Venus Energy and 2012

The challenge is to connect to the euphoric energy see it as an expression of the extraordinary influx of light whilst looking at the shadow, have some discipline (such as a practice) and without closing the heart to the very real and important opportunity created by the cosmic influx. Needless to say this is not easy.

It is easy to just dismiss the whole 2012 effect and the explosion of radical perceptions as rubbish and crawl into a rigid box mindset. The energy for real change is present, the energy is intoxicating, yet we are given the task of holding the not be too easy, do not get seduced so easily. Enjoy the novelty, be interested, engaged but retain some detachment.

From this space real and valuable innovation can occur, new nourishing arts can surface, connected relationship and community can flourish. We have to work at it though, not just bliss out and get excited.

Monday 11 June 2012

6 Deer or Hand, Monday 11 June

Today has an organic flow about it. A good day to surf, holding and releasing as you move through the data stream.

A day of finesse and subtle responsiveness. Stay tuned, alert yet relaxed. Move and be alert to the moment when it is time to hold your attention steady.

A good day for concentration as you are able to control yourself, setting limits whilst sensing the organic flow of energy, enabling you to switch your attention to the next appropriate activity.

Surges of euphoria can arise today allow them through without grasping onto them.


I would like to add some more to Skull 5, that to some degree is applicable to all Skull days.

It was a good day to observe your self interacting with the superficial, the bare bone material frequency of ego, money, shiny metal toys, the instant comforts and allure of even the most banal that the world has to offer. Skull days allow us to have compartmentalized experience. For someone who is spiritually awake the observer can be present as you take part in the glossy impermanence of the surface. Occasional full blown indulgence can release the heaviness and self importance of the super-ego the inner priest, as it were and enable a subsequent deeper connection to the profundity of the ground of consciousness.

Sunday 10 June 2012

5 Skull, Sunday 10 June 2012

A day of strength, realism and positive detachment that allows you to make changes where necessary and/or operate in the more visceral realms of material reality.

Cut back, detach from the crowd come back to your core, and be a little cynical if necessary;
Be at the centre of your group and be detached enough to be an enabler for your community.

Enjoy some backbone attitude.

Use crystals to create a resonance with the information carried within your bones

Saturday 9 June 2012

4 Serpent, Saturday 9 June

Own your Self Interest. We need you to survive and be healthy. Listen to the survival instinct today as the foundation for your own power. Respect your power to influence the world through the natural transmission of your consciousness; respect it and harness the vitality of your body. Be grounded in the body.

In the Wind timewave, your role as a communicator and disseminater requires you firstly to be firmly planted in the seat of your life force.

The first wave of the Venus Transit effect lands in the body, the first ripple makes itself known through your instinctive response. Put your roots down into the Earth, through the souls of your feet.

Friday 8 June 2012

3 Lizard or Seed, Friday 8 June

The energy from the Venus Transit continues to work its way through the subtle planes and today is a good day to examine our agreements with life, our intentions.

It through the agreements we make, often unconsciously, that our enchanting experience is evoked. We create our reality within the context of the collective construction, the collective agreements

The Ever-Changing Platform of Your Life

You have an essential destiny to become conscious of, but the details of that destiny are not all worked out--life is dynamic. You have a template for this incarnation, but it is not set in stone.

Today, see the shifting intentionality within existence that is created by forces of consciousness larger than ourselves. Enjoy the vitalizing force of an intelligence so vast we cannot grasp it, but which has the interests of our life within its knowing.

Your personal intention and your choices for your life exist within a dynamic framework.

Today be open to the idea of new intentions and new agreements. It is not necessary to set absolute intentions just witness the flux of energy within you in regards to that which you desire and would like to experience.

I help clients with their agreements through astrology and shamanism

Thursday 7 June 2012

2 Darkhouse, Foredawn, Niight or House, June 7

Be at home in between the polarities.

The existential nature of life is sometimes (a time like today for example) a comforting place in which to surrender, so that we are deeply at home in the midst of eternity.

After yesterday's activation comes the space, the silence and the void. Feel the pull of opposites and live betwixt them.

A good day for intense contemplation and finding the crack in any form that lets the light in.

Today one day on from the Venus Transit

All reality is constructed by our personal hypnotic information trance, our enchantment. The information is not just data as we understand it but abstract ideas that set contextual assumptions and the accompanying symbolism, mythology and imagined constructs that exist in the deep strata of the collective consciousness. The basic deep structures are the result of human evolution, history and social engineering.

As individuals we are most concerned with creating a good life through mastering our mind and imagination in order to be creative with our subtle energy so as to vibrate and harmonize with the opportunities that exist within the world for a satisfying, purposeful and joyful experience. This is the Enchantment Principle which is the heart of the work.

Today after the Venus Transit the 260 day count presents us with the challenge of this Venus influx as we feel the pull to open up space for the new energy to be received. It is not a highly active day but one that requires the most subtle aspects of our awareness. Intuitively feel into the crack between feelings, see if you can sense the yearning of divine discontent to break out of the present inhibitions on Earth. Feel into it and acknowledge empty space that is all you have to do. Just acknowledge a vacuum; this requires sensitivity and alertness to what may well be a fleeting feeling. Log that feeling; recognize it as the space being prepared for a new intention and template, an adjustment of your basic reality experience.

Wednesday 6 June 2012

1 Wind, Wednesday 6June 2012

Get ready for a new 13-day timewave that begins today as the Wind archetype activates. This particular Wind timewave is empowered by the Venus Transit as Wind is associated through a form of Quetzalcoatl in the guise of Ehacatl with Venus. Receive the message from Venus, tune in and recognize the change of energy over the next 13 days.

13 days that can bring you clarity on what you have to say to the world, or clear communications with loved ones.

The Breath of the Divine will send you a message today--a sudden noise, an angry word, a disembodied spirit whispering in your ear, a gust of wind or a vibration from an animal. Any of these can activate you. Wind activates without sentiment.

The Wind can polarize an issue to push you further. Sometimes we have to see the world in black and white before we can proceed.

A timewave of powerful messaging, twittering, phoning, emailing and the spoken word. Be a messenger and a receiver with a “Yes, let's do it” attitude.

Alternatively, your communication exchange might be solely with the Source or your with own subconscious.

You are a transmitter and receiver.

I myself did a ritual this morning, needless to say I felt a profound sense of connection to the energy of the Venus Transit, at present I would just reiterate what I said yesterday in this regards.

Tuesday 5 June 2012

13 Crocodile or Dragon Tuesday 5 June 2012

Surrender to life today and it should treat you well. The Cosmic Mother force: “Strong it is.” 

The soul's need for nourishment is revealed to you today. Your soul, and those around you, have a heightened sense of the need to be fed with more universal love and nourishment.  

The Water or Moon timewave ends with this great release and surrender and accentuates the connection with the Tzolkin and the Venus transit. The energy of the day is one of opening, expanding and surrendering to receive powerful feminine energy.

The Venus Transit

The Venus Transit creates a wobble in the Earth’s astral planes. I would contend that the mechanism of this is a vortex, a vortex that opens within the finer frequencies of the astral planes. The astral fluid is felt and connected to directly through the heart, which means that the first level of contact we have with this transit is through the intuition and the imagination.

Venus rules the heart’s desire for union, harmony, comfort, beauty and aesthetics; it is the yearning for immersion in both the material-corporeal realm and the blissful merge with the osmosis of the spiritualized dreamscape. The heart is pulled in both directions to FALL in love with the physical and with the soul. Venus rules the feminine aspect of sexuality; it is a rounded, indirect, spiralling seduction.

As Venus transits the Sun, we see the shadow of Venus as Venus appears as a dark dot on our vast solar sphere.

The Venus Transit challenges us to question what is valuable, what is beautiful, what is it we want to be pulled by, enamoured by, glamoured by, seduced by...

We are challenged by this Venus Transit to see the shadow of what appears instantly attractive. We are called upon to recognize and honour real beauty and value.

This transit on June 5/6 (depending where you are in the world) will affect how the emotional sphere unfolds over the next 6 to 9 months. It takes this long for the energy to move from the finer frequencies of the astral realm into our physical density.

This is a call to all women—don’t be ditsy, step into the feminine intuitive wisdom, don’t be seduced by superficial flattery, nor by easy promises of comfort, money or luxury.

The world needs that which is truly beautiful, valuable, appealing and harmonious. The passions on Earth are getting stirred.

Monday 4 June 2012

12 Flower, Lord or Sun, Monday June 4 (Venus Transit Coming)

You are master of your soul, this is your sovereignty, today access the light of the soul to aid in the unfoldment to come.

Utilize your imagination and mind to understand your life directly from within yourself.

The understanding of the soul and soulfulness is available today. A good day to express the subtle; to write poetically, yet with meaning. The subtle has power today--light rays can instruct you and teach you substantial truths. Use the mind and imagination to empower yourself with sacred connection. The imagination is a two way plasma mirror, not just a screen for projecting fantasy upon but also a receiver from anywhere in the omni-directional realms that you can reach with your intent.  Understand the expansive intelligence of metaphors or symbols with full clarity today.

Utilize your inherent ability to see the cohesive and powerful intelligence of the beautiful and the subtle.

A great day to decode the light that radiates from your Soul, for you are a living library, a reservoir of extraordinary experience that can be accessed via the imagination that is shaped by the mind and piloted by the impulse of the soul to know itself.

Make an extra effort to tune into life right now for the Venus Transit is nearly upon us...June5/6

Beyond 2012

Understand that the Noosphere, planetary consciousness and planetary civilization are natural outgrowths of the world we live in today; the Earth will flower into a planetary civilization. Consciousness, the self, the world and experience evolves by stages. The planetary stage is the obvious and natural stage of development for our world it is upon the far edge of our horizon.

Own It, It is Yours

Science is today’s magic. I think we can all agree the internet and computerized technology is quite magical, it is amazing and mysterious. Science prefers to say that magic is tomorrows science, however when we hear that 99 percent of the universe is made of dark matter—a mysterious substance—it is safe to say that there are an awful lot of tomorrows before we scientifically work it all out. Furthermore if we explore the history of science over the last 3-400 years, then we can safely say that the science of a thousand years from now will be dramatically different, probably unrecognizable from today’s science. With this in mind we can justifyably conjecture that the ancient wisdom--concerning consciousness as the fundamental substance of reality--could well be the leading truth of empirical enquiry in years to come.

If we can acknowledge that our culture is relatively young in terms of understanding the cosmos, of life, then there is a need to keep an open mind and listen to all sources of inquiry, human experience and gnosis.

Is there a scientist who can explain; quantum mechanics, computer technology and human DNA in a very simple and concise manner to someone who knows nothing about these subjects, in such a way that the person gets it, really can see, that "yes this makes sense". The answer is no, an understanding of all things scientific requires some study, some basic building blocks of knowledge before a clear view of scientific principles emerges in their mind.

This applies to everything, including astrology, the dismissals of astrology and other metaphysical arts are shoot from the hip reactions, underwritten with, “well it just can’t be true, it makes no sense”. Then it is followed with a demand to explain it all in a few moments. Knowledge requires a sustained enquiry, you cannot say anything authoritive about a subject unless you study it.

With that in mind we can all acknowledge than none of us knows it all or will ever know it all. That said, we can all enjoy the adventure of discovery, it does not belong to any one mindset, to any one expert or any single approach. Each sovereign soul has the divine right to explore the reality unfolding, the collective reality is growing through each of us, so if we can see our unfoldment then we can connect to the emerging shared experience to come. The future is growing through us from the past.

How do we proceed?

If we want to understand the world, or go on the quest, we must start with the one that is observing--and trying to understand truth--you, me, the self.

In the early 20th century within the scientific paradigm, the unconscious was recognized as a reality. Each of us has a vast reservoir of unconsciousness within our being. There is that which is totally unconsciousness and there is that which is subconscious. The subconscious is that which we know or have known and yet have forgotten it as it is impossible to hold all of your knowledge and experience in your conscious mind at any moment.

Freud-Jung-Maslow-Gebser-Graves-Wilber etc

As the scientific study of the unconscious proceeded through the 20th century we have learnt that our personal unconscious opens out into the collective unconscious, at the bottom of the well the demarcation between the self and the collective dissolves. Even on the surface of consciousness, we know that our thoughts do not merely belong to us, they are formed from or even parroted from other peoples. We relay ideas and opinions that are based upon--or are edited versions--of that which swims around in the social environment.

What is the unconscious? In each moment we are absorbing data, imagery, body language and sounds from our environment. Anyone who has seen Derren Brown in action can see just how unconscious our data input is. Our enchanting life is constructed from the never ending streams of data that sculpt our feeling self. Think of the days, months and years that we have lived and you have a vastness seemingly beyond comprehension.

The unconscious is largely the past, it is our history. It is not only our history though, because as we now know the unconscious springs from and is merged with the collective unconscious. Studies over decades have shown that unconscious imagery goes back not only to the start of recorded history but back into the origins of our species. Our DNA, our unconscious is connected to all that has been before. The unconscious goes back to the primal beginnings of life and here we find that consciousness itself forms in response to the natural world. In other words our unconscious is partially rooted in the Earth itself. As we evolved our consciousness created actions that changed our environment, which in turn then fed back into our awareness. Our unconscious is not just a silent dark still pool not merely a vertical deep well contained within the human body, no, the unconscious spreads out horizontally, it is in relationship with everything around it. We will return to this contentious aspect at a later date.

So if we then look at the second half of the 20th century we find that there was a paradigm shift within psychology itself, a new understanding based on empirical science, emerged very clearly in the second half of the 20th century. This new scientific knowledge has hardly been introduced to our education system, not even at university level.

This essential knowledge is an essential insight into our make-up and therefore is the preliminary understanding that all others pursuits and endeavours should follow.

The new understanding of human development is that we have deep structures within our psyche, it is not a mere random jumble or merely a dissolute ocean. You are made of levels of awareness that are derived from stages of personal growth, each stage having a definable mode of operating, a generalized script that can be mapped out and proven. But remember this is not just yours, not just your unconscious, otherwise we would not be able to test it and see universal sameness. The structure of your psyche is a reflection of cultural and human species developmental stages.

There is a basic agreement among independent researchers; concerning the description of these stages and what is more they are quite obvious to you, if you take some time to study them. Why is that? Because they are yours, human evolution and cultural development is contained within the matrix of your being.

You are Bigger than Google

Your personal development is a recapitulation of human evolution, you are a living library, a virtually untapped source of our true history, of our origins. There is nothing dry about this, we are talking about stories of sex, love, passion, violence, creativity and community, of Ancient Egypt and further back, of the Borgias, the Phoenicians, the Elizabethan era, of wars, of political intrigues, the rise and fall of empires, the great love affairs of history, the scandals of many ages all encoded within the your DNA, your unconscious mind.

It is even more startling to realize that investigators have proven that we are absorbing information whilst we are in the womb, your unconscious goes back into the mists of time. In the first few weeks of your life from fertilized egg to embryo you gradually become a recognizable human passing through stages of life that resemble in some way, non human evolutionary development including reptilian and proto mammalian life forms.

Once it is realized that there are definable stages of development, each of which produces an unconscious filter of perception on our reality, then it will be understood, that no question can be asked from only one position in the psyche. Reality is multi-levelled and all enquiries have to take into account the fact that the answers to life are multi-perspective.

One of the most profound ways to unlock this living library is through myth, film and art, for myth is the memory of the soul, it is not confined to time. My work is an attempt to map out the basic parameters of the human psyche so that individuals can go on the greatest adventure known to humanity—the adventure into consciousness. I utilize, film, developmental psychology, cultural development, astrology and draw upon the wisdom of as many different truth endeavours as I can.

Here is a 101 introduction

Sunday 3 June 2012

11 Storm, Sunday 3 June 2012

Your energy crackles as you move through the electrical nature of novelty, adjusting the templates of your soul.

Go with the freedom inherent within this day. Stay responsive to unexpected turns and enjoy the liberation. Enjoy flowing through different states, from internal moments of personal freedom to social connections. Enjoy the liberation of letting go of expectation, necessity and stasis.

A great day for inner connection and opening portals between levels of consciousness.

The sentiment and sayings such as “show me the results” or “show me the money” evoke a feeling of “yeah, never mind the bullshit, what is real” they conjure up a confidence in the objective world and a cynicism towards subtle energy work, which blocks the inner connection. Although it is true that people can become hyper-inflated with self importance through inner journeying, channeling or the constant interpreting of synchronicities, sensitized reception and their intuitive impressions, taking the time to connect to the rich inner world of the psyche is essential for emotional health. More than that working in the inner dimensions is a truly effective and essential way to manifest a reality and experience that is more benevolent, abundant and wholesome than the normal every day world experience.

The results are generally not instant, subtle energy changes are most often stepped down through the various levels of density in accord with a gestation cycle, that mirrors human gestation—from conception to birth.

The Sacred 260 day calendar that we follow here is an aid to consciously connecting to the potentials that are seeking manifestation through you. Such things as shamanic healing or ritualistically planting intention into your unconscious (another way of saying planting a seed idea in the subtle mental body) are stepped down from mental to emotional to physical over 260, 520 and 780 days approximately. Each process of stepping down energy brings it more tangibly into density and actual experience. Inner work is very powerful, but most people—in fact most of us a lot of time due to daily necessity—do not take the time to connect their subtle actions of the past with the present.

The Venus transit on June 6, (yes a few days away!) is a very powerful disruption of the Earth’s astral emotional realm that creates an alteration of the heart felt desires of the collective. This is not always pleasant as tsunamis and volcanoes have resulted from previous Venus transits, Krakatoa 1883, Indonesia earthquake and tsunami 2004 and the Japanese Tsumani of 1761. These violent manifestations result from the fact that we do not consciously tune into and align with subtle energy changes. The earth quakes or volcanic eruption seem to often take place between a few months to nine months after the transit. The actual manifestation that really counts is the change in the collective emotion, the desire nature and this is harder to quantify.

My experience from working with clients and observing my own life and those around me is that powerful emotionally charged intentions or desires manifest in around two years (often in alignment with 3 Tzolkins, 780 days). The exactitude of the manifestation depends upon clarity and is watered down by the many counter intentions we invariably hold. Using Law of Attraction principles to control life with absolute will is flawed because of the multi-leveled nature of the psyche and the accompanying diversity of desires we hold. However this does not mean that we should not attempt to align with subtle energy changes and set intentions.

The most important point though is to connect to the inner world, through journeys, visualizing and shamanic ritual so as to align automatically with the soul’s intention for your life. The biggest problems we have are when we are completely out of alignment and therefore blocking the natural impulses of the soul.

I am available to work with you in this realm if you are here in Hong Kong or in England this October.

Saturday 2 June 2012

10 Obsidian Mirror, Saturday June 2

The shadow of your life and the world is revealed to you.

What is the unavoidable issue within you?

The world appears as a semitransparent hologram, reflecting your inner feelings.

Today is a good day to see the fundamental issues in your life. Today they can be seen and they can be seen with some transparency.You might possibly encounter a shocking perspective on an aspect of your personality or your being, do not worry, it is not the whole truth of who you are, just some.

image from

The Holographic Universe

On a deeper level of reality the manifest world can be seen as a dynamic hologram.

Creation is the manifestation of light. All forms are derived from the light of consciousness. Evolution is the incremental downloading, storage, transduction and transmission of the information encoded in light.

Evolution is the increasing realization of consciousness—of the source of all life. Evolution is the process of incrementally download more of the information that is contained in the source, this information processing develops through stages.

Plants enable humans and animals to live, Humans are on an evolutionary higher level of expression or more complete expression of the source. Human evolution proceeds through cultural stages; each stage creates a structure that enables the information process to proceed. As the information process unfolds (evolution) it is revealing with increasing clarity the original source light of the universal hologram.

Each stage of human development once established creates the foundation for the next stage of cultural expression. The evolution of consciousness is the process of realizing that we are part of more of the whole, each cultural stage creates a larger context for society—from tribes to city states to nation states to international corporate world to the internet to Noosphere etc.

For a hologram to be projected, we have to have an interference pattern created by the original light beam split and bounced off a mirror. Life starts as a unity then is split into duality and then the interference between the two forces allows for the picture to appear. All forms arise out of an apparent nothingness, which is in actuality the ground of consciousness that is encoded with all potentials.

The manifestation of the internet is the separation of human thought from humans as we project our thinking out there into encoded energy. Once the internet has been established as a complete technosphere (full internet development) then human consciousness,(plus the Van Allen radiation Belts?) and the internet will create an interference pattern that manifests as the fully realizable Noosphere.

From our frame of reference in time, evolution would seem to be purely sourced from the mutation of a lower stage of life, but simultaneously to the process of evolution, is involution. Involution is the descension of consciousness into time/space. Involution is the stepping down or the revelation of the original pattern. A new incremental stage of development is a reference point and a command that enables more light—more information—to be processed, transduced or we can say decoded.

Evolution and cultural development is the game of decoding more of the original intelligence, by the development of a more efficient conduit, a clearer channel. The internet is one manifest expression of the collective human mind, the Noosphere will be similar but with a far more advanced level of truth and inclusiveness.


Friday 1 June 2012

9 Earthmover, Friday 1 June 2012

The Venus transit is coming. The global atmosphere is tense and the world is holding its breath, not for next week, but for the impending change of later this year, the next three years and the continuing unfoldment thereafter, the spirit of real progress is straining on a leash, can you feel it?

Today you can connect to the evolutionary impulse that underpins the present human condition.

Awaken to the changes that rumble in the soul. Soul memory is memory from beyond time/space that comes from your past, before your history. Do you remember how this moment was seeded?

Into every moment we pour a tapestry of stories, different threads that are rooted in timeless zones and archaic evolutionary pasts.

Today you can potentially transcend your present trajectory and see the options from different timelines, different outcomes.

A good day to experience--through feeling---the multiple potentials of different timelines that are encoded into each moment.

If you have felt blocked for some time in any area of your life, today is a good day to see that you can open up another reality.

Reality is an agreement. Agreements create structures of reality. If an agreement is serving us we are growing. On the other hand if we really are blocked, if there really comes a point where we cannot seem to move forward in any way, then we have the option to renegotiate.

It is amazing when you look back on your life and see certain situations that felt so permanent at the time that you subsequently liberated yourself from. Do you remember a previously solid situation with impenetrable walls, that are now free from--Reality tunnel.

Whilst you were in that psychological space, you had a future. Once you moved out of that space the future changed.

If a situation you are experiencing is truly stuck, then consider dropping it and creating a new one.

The way to do this is to realize that any situation can only inhibit you with your agreement. We choose structures that do come with limitations, because the total experience rewards one enough to accept some compromises, this is wise.

So evaluate your situation honestly,if you find that there is no longer any growth or reward, then you have the divine right, the legitimate right to renegotiate a new situation.

This is how evolution works. We evolve from one structure to another, each structure becomes more inclusive of more of reality. Each chapter of our life is a relatively steady state of existence, but things eventually have to change.

Change, evolution and growth is always an offer made by life to grow and live larger, it does mean letting something go, which is not easy, but the rewards outweigh the loss.

The human species is presently renegotiating its reality. The consensual world of the mainstream has served evolution and is still serving some people, but the rewards for the species are diminishing rapidly. It will take some time for the main culture to shift; luckily you do not have to wait for everyone. In fact it is important for the sake of the collective that some individuals who have woken up early enough take the initiative to step into the new unchartered land.

Are you one of those pioneers?

The new land is relatively empty and in a state of flux, its takes some courage but the potentials are enormous. The first steps are tentative, the way ahead is unclear and the going is slow. The choice is there, if you have a spirit of adventure.