
Wednesday 31 May 2017

1 Wind

Get ready for a new 13-day timewave that begins today as the Wind archetype activates.

The Wind God brings fast decisions and clarity of mind, activating your quick responses to all things.

The next 13 days can bring you clarity about what you have to say to the world, or clear communications with loved ones.

The Breath of the Divine will send you a message today – a sudden noise, an angry word, a disembodied spirit whispering in your ear, a gust of wind or a vibration from an animal. Any of these can activate you. Wind activates without sentiment.

The Wind can polarize an issue to push you further. Sometimes we have to see the world in black and white before we can proceed.

A timewave of powerful messaging, twittering, phoning, emailing and the spoken word. Be a messenger and a receiver with a ‘Yes, let’s do it!’ attitude.

Alternatively, your communication exchange might be solely with the Source or your with own subconscious.

You are a transmitter and a receiver.

Tuesday 30 May 2017

13 Crocodile

13 Crocodile is a powerful day.

The principle of 13 is movement in all directions. We have 13 major articulations in the body. Imagine them all being used simultaneously and you have a mad dance that would release your psychic energy.

Today is the release of the timewave energy, a day of letting go and opening up, a spiralling out of the feeling and consciousness of the last 12 days. The soulful signature of the Muluc Timewave (Water or Moon) is powerful and yet dissolving today.

Crocodile is the primal and also watery state of base consciousness, undifferentiated, engulfed in the Goddess, irrational, filled with chaotic latency and stirring turbulence, ready to birth...

Surrender to life today and it should treat you well. The Cosmic Mother force: ‘Strong it is.’

The soul’s need for nourishment is revealed to you today. Your soul, and the souls of those around you, have a heightened sense of the need to be fed with more primal connection and with the ineffable universal love and nourishment.

The Water or Moon Timewave ends today with this great release and surrender.

Monday 29 May 2017

12 Flower (Sun)

A great day for a deep understanding of your life.

You are master of your soul; this is your sovereignty. Today, access the light of the soul to aid in the unfoldment to come.

Utilize your imagination and your mind to understand your life directly from within yourself, in order to perceive the complex systemic unity of things as they stand within you.

The understanding of the soul and soulfulness is available today. A good day to express the subtle; to write poetically, yet with meaning. The subtle has power today – light rays can instruct you and teach you substantial truths. Use the mind and imagination to empower yourself with sacred connection. The imagination is a two-way plasma mirror, not just a screen for projecting fantasy upon, but also a receiver from anywhere in the omnidirectional realms that you can reach with your intent.

Understand the expansive intelligence of metaphors or symbols with full clarity today.

Utilize your inherent ability to see the cohesive and powerful intelligence of the beautiful and the subtle.

A day to decode the light that radiates from your Soul, for you are a living library, a reservoir of extraordinary experience that can be accessed via the imagination, which is shaped by the mind and piloted by the impulse of the soul to know itself.

Sunday 28 May 2017

11 Storm

Your energy crackles as you move through the electrical nature of novelty, adjusting the templates of your soul.

Go with the freedom inherent within this day. Stay responsive to unexpected turns and enjoy the liberation. Enjoy flowing through different states, from internal moments of personal freedom to social connections. Enjoy the liberation of letting go of expectation, necessity and stasis.

A great day for inner connection and opening portals between levels of consciousness.

Day 10 in the timewave can feel quite heavy and contained, while today – being an 11 day – allows us the energy to move again, as the solidity and any perceived blockages dissolve.

Saturday 27 May 2017

10 Obsidian Mirror

The shadow of your life and the world is revealed to you.

What is the unavoidable issue within you?

The world appears as a semitransparent hologram, reflecting your inner feelings.

Today is a good day to see the fundamental issues in your life. Today they can be seen and they can be seen with transparency. You will see your complexes, but also see through them to a deeper level of truth.

You might possibly encounter a shocking perspective on an aspect of your personality or your being. Do not worry, for this is not the whole truth of who you are, just some of the truth.

Obsidian Mirror is the Daykeeper sign of multidimensionality and the mirror reflections and refractions of light that give us the experience of density.

Friday 26 May 2017

9 Earthmover

Today you can connect to the evolutionary impulse that underpins the present human condition.

Awaken to the changes that rumble in the soul. Soul memory is memory from beyond time–space that comes from your past, before your history. Do you remember how this moment was seeded?

Into every moment we pour a tapestry of stories; different threads that are rooted in timeless zones and archaic evolutionary pasts.

Today, you can potentially transcend your present trajectory and see the options from different timelines and with different outcomes. A good day to experience – through feeling – the multiple potentials of different timelines that are encoded into each moment.

If you have felt blocked for some time in any area of your life, today is a good day to see that you can open up another reality.

Reality is an agreement. Agreements create structures of reality. If an agreement is serving us, we are growing. On the other hand, if we really are blocked, if there really comes a point where we cannot seem to move forward in any way, then we have the option to renegotiate.

It is amazing when you look back on your life and see certain situations that felt so permanent at the time, which you subsequently liberated yourself from. Do you remember a previously solid situation with impenetrable walls from which you are now free? Reality tunnel.

Whilst you were in that psychological space, you had a particular future. Once you moved out of that space, the future changed.

If a situation you are experiencing is truly stuck, then consider dropping it and creating a new one.

The way to do this is to realize that any situation can only inhibit you with your agreement. We choose structures that do come with limitations, because the total experience rewards one enough to accept some compromises. This is wise.

So evaluate your situation honestly. If you find that there is no longer any growth or reward, then you have the divine right, the legitimate right, to renegotiate a new situation.

This is how evolution works. We evolve from one structure to another. Each structure becomes more inclusive of more of reality. Each chapter of our lives is a relatively steady state of existence, but things eventually have to change.

Change, evolution and growth is always an offer made by Life so that we may grow and live larger. It does mean letting something go, which is not easy, but the rewards outweigh the loss.

The human species is presently renegotiating its reality. The consensual world of the mainstream has served evolution and is still serving some people, but the rewards for the species are diminishing rapidly. It will take some time for the main culture to shift – luckily you do not have to wait for everyone.

In fact, it is important for the sake of the collective that some individuals who have woken up early enough take the initiative to step into the new unchartered land.

Thursday 25 May 2017

8 Warrior (aka Vulture, Owl)

Commitment to your role in the matrix, as defined by the last timewave (which was the Warrior or Vulture Timewave).

Look after the self by deciding to live your truth, so as to be strong enough to be a healing presence. Feel the underlying essence, the sacred structure you are working with, and gain some clarity about the limits you wish to set yourself.

Consciously knowing the appropriate limitations brings safety and the realizable freedom that we all yearn for.

Eight days are days of implementing and organizing that which is emerging, which is to say today is a good day to bring things towards manifestation, to actively draw energies into cohesion and harmony.

Today is a day of implementing energy in a practical fashion, compressing ideas and inspiration.

Wednesday 24 May 2017

7 Eagle

The integrated clarity of 7 Eagle means the ability to focus on a detail, whilst simultaneously retaining the awareness of context and feeling.

The challenge is to not get lost in the details; to engage whilst retaining one’s sense of greater vision.

Alternatively, the challenge is to engage with some specifics, rather than just flying off into an indulgent fantasy. Listen to the subtle feelings whilst performing daily tasks.

Move into resonance today with the mind of the world. Hone in on your locality and goal and retain the balanced perspective of both the larger and smaller pictures.

Seven days are halfway through the timewave and provide us with the whole energy of the timewave through resonance. We can feel the totality – not the sophisticated mechanics of the timewave (which is for 12 days), but the general wholeness.

Eagle is the immanent consciousness that we can perceive and engage with. The environment thus perceived is then seen in all its glory – and it is to be rejoiced at, for it is full of beauty, abundance and love. Once we see this, we can draw upon the bountiful energy and call it into our life.

There is more than enough to go round. Everything we need is available, once we are conscious of the fact that we are drawing energy from the magnificence of all that is around us.

With a natural gratitude that comes with our awakening perception and experience of the vital immanence we exist within, we can then ask unashamedly for life to provide for us abundantly.

Tuesday 23 May 2017

6 Jaguar

The feeling self is an instinctive self, prowling the unseen environment of the World Soul. Enjoy the forming thoughts and enticing feelings that arise and sink in your consciousness.

A day of feeling alert.

Follow the rhythm of the day instinctively, staying alert to the playful moment.

Jaguar is tied to the Earth in its wild state, especially at night. Jaguar is the feminine earthy vitality; sensual and powerful.

Today, you might feel the need to connect to the wild environment, feeding your gratitude for the beauty around you.

A good day to allow space for shamanic practice. Follow the call of nature and consciously and directly evoke connection to natural spirits and sacred space.

Jaguar day is a luxurious heightening of the senses...

[On 6 Jaguar, 29 May 2011, Laurence wrote the following:
‘Jaguar days are always more Shamanic and Jungley, which for me this morning was doubly so. I awoke with a strong need not to do my daily qi gong or yoga, but to just lie on my back on our roof terrace, listening to the intense cicada and bird chorus.

After one hour, I went into the hills here on Lamma. The day was overcast, breezy and unusually coolish (though still very humid). The wind, insects and sheer verdant growth in the hills really evoked the jungle and a shamanic atmosphere … not to mention the small brown snake and the big jet-black snake (Chinese cobra, I think) on the path that my dog and I bumped into. That gave me some shock and awe!’]

Monday 22 May 2017

5 Reed (Skywalker)

Today observe everything all around you and see how you feel in different situations. The message of the day is to be aware, to be conscious in all directions of the energy sphere in which you live, whilst staying in the centre.

Connect to your higher self at the same time as being centred in home and family. Gather your energy and resources; find your inner authority.

This can be a detached, floating, suspended and waiting kind of day.

The proactive person will be consciously centring themselves today.

Sit in the middle of a circle, acknowledge the Four Directions of East, South, West and North, then acknowledge the Sky above and the Earth below. Feel yourself centred on Earth in your life whilst connecting to the higher self beyond time and space.

Call upon the higher self to help you find the strength of mind to recognize that you are the author of your life, and that you also play your part – at least from time to time – to act as guide to other people.

Evoke the intelligence of your centre; feel into your subtle centre.

Sunday 21 May 2017

4 Good Road (aka Human or Grass)

The Long Good Road of Life

What is your destiny? Today is a good day to ask yourself: ‘What is it that endures in me? What is consistent throughout my life?’ By seeing the essential theme of your life up to this point, you can remind yourself of your destiny, which will be a continuation and development of the same theme. However, it will never be fully definable in sharp logical terms.

A sense of commonality. Today can also be a day of collective feeling. Today we will feel part of the human collective family and the human experience.

We all walk a path that has an essential similarity to the paths of all others.

Today you may also sense the long good road ahead, a soft focus view, a general understanding of the basic parameters of your life yet to unfold. It is as if you are receiving a message from your soul.

Alternatively: You might feel frustrated, inhibited or confused about the lack of options in life, or feel a deep sense of life being scripted beyond your control. Today is a day where we can feel our membership in the species, as well as the patterns and possibilities that we are working with. Sometimes it feels like there are not enough options, ie you have to earn money; your life is framed by your appearance, age, gender or ethnicity; your responses are automated from early programming, etc.

If that is the case, just sit with the feeling and be conscious of it. If you can truly feel the sense of the quintessential humanness, the human experience you are having no matter what, then you can be more present. You will find a degree of liberation by seeing your role and your purpose in the human context.

The consciousness of Good Road is the existential human experience. It is an unfolding journey, where the challenge is to use the mind, create purpose and sculpt a story from your journey. But, more than that, it is to stay open to the is-ness, the human experience of life.

Saturday 20 May 2017

3 Monkey

A good energy day for higher creativity. Talk to your muses.

Feel the weave of the reality tapestry, the underlying dynamic movement of life.

The energy in a profound dream experience speaks to us, on one hand, of how dreams remind us of a more subtle reality and, on the other hand, how the subtle energy crosses into and affects our ‘real world’.

The playful spirit of 3 Monkey knows no boundaries and crosses the object–subject divide. The slightly intangible sense of something truly supernatural and wonderful might encroach upon your consciousness today. Was it real? Ah, well, what is real?

A good day to play with the edges of consciousness, either with a cat-nap, some easy meditation or through daydreaming. Allow yourself a little drift.

Monkey is creativity, the deceptively brilliant intelligence that lies within all art and the construction of reality. Monkey is a trickster that can appear to be playful and adolescent, yet is actually focused on weaving the fabric of reality, unseen by those who look for overly simple logical and linear constructs.

Being a three day, today is not a day to complete creative tasks, but rather to allow yourself to be inspired without attempting to finish it or understand where you are heading with it. Be playful. Recognize you will waver with ideas on a three day, but allow the feelings some latitude.

Subtle energy moves within your soul and it feels enlivening.

[Message from Laurence: I seem to always have a profound astral connectivity on 3 Monkey.]

Friday 19 May 2017

2 Dog

The Duality of Needs

Hold the space and meet the challenge.

The duality of feelings from the soul manifests most obviously in the realm of relationship. This is challenging, of course, but also offers the beauty of contrast. Feel beneath the surface of opposition and you will enjoy the contrast you get from your significant other.

Sometimes two people can act as one and look out into the world together.

A day of emotional contrast.

The Dog Daykeeper is related to basic emotions and needs – needs for companionship on the good road of life, as well as our appetites for food, sex and comfort. Dog rules emotional territory and the defence of that territory. This includes personal and community territorial boundaries and the laws that accompany the emotional boundaries of a person, a relationship or a community.

Dog is the day of guardianship and that can include the spirits that guide and protect us on the subtle planes.

Thursday 18 May 2017

1 Water (Moon)

Today, being 1 Water, sees the start of a new 13-day timewave.

The teaching of the Water or Moon Timewave (known as Muluc to the Maya) is how to be in the flow of life’s energies; how to surrender to and feel – and thereby be connected to – the River of Life.

Give of yourself, cleanse and purify the soul, make offerings to Life and to other people to increase your sense of soulful immersion in the deeper dimensions of reality.

The consciousness of being a droplet in the ocean of spirit. 
The Water or Moon Daykeeper sign represents the connection to soul and greatly increases sensitivity. The Water Daykeeper requires us to retain our connection by honouring the fact that our existence is dependent upon all that has gone before, as well as upon the stream of life in which we swim. To this end, we are to remain conscious of clearing and cleansing the blockages in the stream.

The Maya associate this daykeeper with ‘owing’ and ‘offering’. Our existence owes much to divinity, the ancestors and those whose work we build upon.

This is the timewave to cleanse and consciously purify with the spirit of water, to burn incense or light candles in a sacred manner to feel the gratitude within us for our lives.

Part of that is allowing yourself to have what you really need, in order to be in a space of gratitude. You cannot fake it. Repressing one’s desires just leads to resentment.

If you experience turbulent emotions, feel blocked, are suffering or feel impoverished, then this timewave is the perfect period to clear debts and do ceremonies of gratitude. You will find that peace and tranquillity can return quickly if you do this, and you will feel immersed in the soulful realm.

Spend time near water, allow yourself to feel things deeply and regain a deep sense of connection over the next 13 days.

Wednesday 17 May 2017

13 Rabbit (Star)

The truth of you is that you are pulled in many directions, but choices have to be made. Today is a day where you can become conscious of the many things you are attracted by.

Truth is everywhere, in everyone and everything. Today you can access the realization that you are radiating your story, your perception and your take on the world into the universal sea of light.

A day to appreciate the abundance of everything and how all life experience is valid in its own way.

The proliferation of all things in all directions. Celebrate this day, enjoy the expanse of it as the day has a luminosity and lightness of spirit to it. It is a good day to indulge yourself and let go of your normal restraints and balance – not forever, but for today.

A good day for speculative enquiry into the bizarre, the fringe and the portentous.

Alternatively: Allow the self to explore all of your most exciting potentials and fantasies through the imagination as an exercise of release, renewal and elasticity.

The explosion of excitement creates the implosion of awareness to the central core of your soul.

Scatter your thoughts in all directions with abandon (and detachment) to the outer edges of your psyche, and be then be conscious of the blissful emptiness that is revealed at the centre.

The timeless anticipation of pure consciousness as it awaits to encounter all experience.

Rabbit is the ripening of consciousness with its accompanying abundance, richness and vitality – and is therefore intoxicating. The spirit shines outwards from within and illuminates all things. As this is a 13 day, which is movement in all directions, you can understand the vitality of the energy on the 260-day count frequency.

Be sure to find a moment to replenish and rejuvenate with a power nap if you feel drained at any point in the day.

Tuesday 16 May 2017

12 Deer (Hand)

A great day to feel balanced between reason and intuition. A day where you can hold the essence of your truth in your hand.

The whole truth of your life, your opinions and your aspirations is a vast, complex and seemingly contradictory energy. So how do we synthesize this truth into a coherent systemic whole?

The essence can be held, but of course the array of details have to be held lightly, without clenching.

Feel the breeze – maybe shoot the breeze – whilst enjoying a sense of having a firm foundation rooted in the ineffable.

A great day where you can feel a real connection to the source energy, the essential truth, not as a concept nor as an equation, but as a flowing adaptive light that has an enduring quality, as it is a continuum that runs through your life.

Complex organized patterns emerge in your psyche, then slowly morph into a new form that retains the essence of the previous revelation.

At the same time, you can recognize that you need to actively choose to place your attention on that which resonates with your core truth. There are limits to what you can do, who you can be and what you can attend to – you cannot hold it all in your psyche.

Come into alignment today with the enduring thread that runs through your life, the thread that has been woven by your divinity. Choose to stay in alignment with your soul through the cascading journey of life.

If you have been following this 13-day cycle, the truth that has been building in this timewave is now present; it has organically emerged. Today, a sense of one’s truth and personal strength has surfaced.

Monday 15 May 2017

11 Skull

Today you step over a threshold, from one type of energy to another.

Examine your life without sentiment, exploring two opposite viewpoints of who you are and what you will become.

Enjoy the sense of the dissolution of outworn aspects of the self. This is creating a portal for the emergence of new aspects of self.

You may well have a ruthless attitude today in regards to what you personally consider to be obviously deluded, uninformed, deliberately misleading or manipulative fabricated stories.

The light of a cohesive picture shines through the trivia and distractions. Be ruthless and you can rip through the superficial information flow with your clear perception.

Other people’s lies or delusions, as well as your own self-delusion, appear transparent to you as your spirit rips a hole in the fabric of the theatrical backdrop.

A good day for realistic considerations. The challenge is to not be cynical, but to stay open to the positive existential elements of life, as well as the cold bare bones.

A day of appropriate surrender.

Eleven days are where the energy of the timewave opens up laterally and to the past. Aspects of yourself, generally not that flattering, seek to be heard as 11 seeks a degree of integration or adjustment.

Eleven days can be quite unstable in order to loosen you up.

Your life is part of a continuum. You have an ancestral heritage that has brought you here; that heritage is a story of grand adventures for sure, but also ordinary drama and ordinary living.

Your truth becomes more encompassing today as you release some brittleness. The spiritual seeks to be grounded in the mundane and the ego dies a little.

Today you can open up to a greater truth as you release a block in your perception and personal boundary, ultimately enabling you to reach out to more of life.

A powerful day for stepping into a new energy.

Sunday 14 May 2017

10 Serpent

Plug into body and the vitality of the Sun as it moves through your body.

The body is the foundation for confidence, for living a life that is based on truth and for being true to your personal axioms. Listen to your body and what it needs.

Power starts with your bodily instincts. Listen to your body and respond appropriately today. Conscious connection to the instincts leads to confidence and the clarity of personal truth. The power of what is true for you is your power in the world. The nature of truth evolves, as does the nature of power.

What is power? It is the efficacious energy of the life force that creates reality. I will be bold and suggest that the world needs conscious individuals like you to step into your power.

Get plugged into the god force through your body, for the body is expressing divinity. The world needs ‘ordinary’ people to be empowered on a physical level to counteract the disempowerment by design and desire by those who abuse power.

10 Serpent is all about power. Today we see our power, we see how we feel about our personal power and we recognize the role of power in a spiritual context.

This timewave is the Warrior Timewave and today is a reminder that we are all warriors defending our truth. This is an aspect of being spiritual. We are not here to roll over in the face of oppression; we must defend our sovereignty.

At this time in the world, those who are awakening to the new, emerging expanded reality – and who care about our planet, our species and the natural sphere of life in which we have our experience – are being called upon to be stronger.

The power of money, as it is perceived today, is a temporary illusion. The fear of lack that accompanies it is likewise a temporary illusion that the species has to overcome. We are being challenged to incrementally, step by step, honour our truth as spiritual beings having a physical experience, and to live by that truth as best we can.

Existence has unlimited abundance and will supply you with what you truly need.

Saturday 13 May 2017

9 LIzard (Seed)

Reconnection and Core Intention Awakening

An old intention is reawakened. A plan from the past, based on your real needs, is either implemented or actively embraced. You see now how a plan that you had forgotten about, or had only half formed, has reached a place that is ready for planting.


Nine days are good days for breakthrough realizations. Today you can consciously reconnect and recover an innocent and unconscious connection to life you had in the past. A good day to consciously recover and own that which you were previously unconsciously part of, or which you were embedded within.

Bring the inherent intelligence of innocence into your conscious mind.

Things actively and passionately desired often elude us, until we forget about them. In so doing, we detach from the outcome and the desired energy can then be released, after which it can return as your manifest experience.

Today is one of those days when previously intended manifestations resurface or appear.

Day Nine is the frequency of cycles. Nine days can be the days when you recognize where you are stuck in a groove, looping back and over again. If that is the case, then it is through bringing your awareness to this scripted situation that you can shift to the next octave.

The previous cycle of the Maya Long Count Calendar and its 2012 end-date brings us the opportunity to break the script and to spiral out of the flat loop onto a higher dimension. Think of the flatland of a flat circle, like a record on a record player, or the rings of Saturn – this is ‘default reality’ and to break the pattern, there needs to be a shock or a surge of will.

Message from Laurence, written on 26 August 2016: On this day 5 cycles ago (ie Sunday 3 February 2013), I had a dream message, a strong narrator’s voice from spirit. It was simply the words ‘There will be a rising.’ I had the word ‘humanity’ implanted as well, together with an image of a wave. No time scale or context was given, but I felt it was significant. Let us hope so!

Friday 12 May 2017

8 Foredawn

Today, commit to the empty space and the dawning awareness you created and received during the last timewave, which was Foredawn or Dark House.

Trust in life and evoke the benevolence that is within (or behind) the void as an invitation to new energy that secures you in your authenticity.

Be committed to emptying yourself of absolute expectation. Allow your truth and the structure of any projects you are working on to become organized and coherent within your unconscious.

Hand your problems over to the wisdom and self-organizing ability inherent within your unconscious.

Contemplate the mystery of the void that births all that you need.

The mystery of consciousness gradually coalesces, the soul is forever in formation...

Today teaches us to have faith in life itself, to find inner security – security based on the fabric of existence. The very fabric of existence is orientated to become, grow, flourish and encompass. Feel the sensations that confirm the interconnected web in which you have your being.

Dark House, Dark Night or Foredawn rules the in-betweens. It is the space between two or more obvious states, places or times. As well as being the in-between, it is the expectation or early vibration of that which is to come, like the first point of dawn or that predawn moment. Dark House is an evocative quality that lends itself to the poetic, mysterious, romantic and impermanent. It is the richness of the shadow worlds; it is the feeling in your home or in a space. Tangibly felt, but elusive to the uber-rational mind or the linguistic bureaucrat.

Eight days are the days when consciousness is stepped down from the transcendental into the immanent. Day 8 is the day of implementation, and therefore commitment, of consciousness. It is a day on which Mayans mostly perform their ceremonies.

Today you own that which you know, you step into the confidence of your gnosis. What you feel is what you feel and its validation is your responsibility.

Thursday 11 May 2017

7 Wind

You speak so eloquently, so coherently today.

Move into resonance with the unsentimental narrator of the consciousness environment today.

Listen and tune in to what is being said to you today.

Life is always talking to us and through us, even if we spin it and filter it through our own ego. Today the magic might arise through hearing a colder, even harsher appraisal of our life. If so, listen to it.

Although it may appear unkind at first, hidden between the lines of the message you receive is a truth that can activate your own empowered lucidity. If the day starts out foggy, overwhelming and confusing, it is because you are receiving data from all over the cosmos. Stay with it and clarity will emerge.

A good day for the communication of appropriate truth.

Wind is the activator. It separates things that need to be separated, clarified or differentiated. Where we are stuck or inert, Wind blows away the obstacles and gets our energy moving.

The Divine Breath can appear harsh, but this is often the inevitable effect of gaining basic clarity through the division of what is and what is not required in our life.

Seven days are the halfway marker of the timewave. They are in equal relationship to 1 and 13, the beginning and the end, and are therefore resonant with the whole timewave. Those born on a Seven day are most likely to be able to relate to many types of people.

Seven is the number of basic resonant truth, the general soft focus holistic truth. Things look different depending upon your position and your perspective, but Seven brings us the universal generalized truth – not the sophisticated truth, but the common sense foundation. This manifests as the basic ethic in life – we all know what is basically wrong and what is basically right.

More complex discernment is required above this basic level of the common sense ethical fuzzy-but-true-enough foundation for civilized behaviour and civilization.

The model of the seven chakras and the corresponding sevenfold layers of the aura is a fuzzy-but-basically-true view of the energy field. I have been working with the energy field for well over 25 years and I know it is far more complex than that, but the essential sevenfold model still holds up as the foundation of understanding.

Seven is, on average, the quantity of things we can hold easily in our mind at any one time.

Harmonious Seven.

Wednesday 10 May 2017

6 Crocodile

Nourishment and Flow

Refresh your experience of the ordinary and allow all else to flow organically. Accept the easy cadence of this day, with its gradually unfolding and emerging nourishment.

Today offers nurturing through learning; acceptance of the ever-changing life flow; a slow emergence with a thick viscosity of energy, like the flow of treacle.

Life slowly revolves and returns to experiences, emotional states and environmental atmospheres you have visited before. This time around, you can potentially feel more appreciative.

The day offers satisfaction, as it is both a flowingly structured and a nurturing day. Be prepared to nurture without being possessive or expecting too much from the outcome of your gifts. Receive what life is offering without wanting more.

Enjoy the nourishment of today as a day unto itself; it is a reminder of the value and joy within the existential and the commonplace.

Six days in each timewave are fairly practical. The energy is nicely structured in a flowing manner.

Crocodile days represent, or are resonant with, the primal watery origins of the Earth, the turbulent power of creation held within an embrace. Crocodile is an edgy, instinctive, survival consciousness that belongs to the Goddess who looks after her own. Protective nourishment and sustenance. Base reality, brooding, waiting, stillness – yet with great latent power waiting to be unleashed.

The Six tone allows that energy to flow with a quite matter-of-fact quality.

Tuesday 9 May 2017

5 Sun or Flower

The light of your centre shines out from your heart. Open your heart and vitalize your truth with light, prana and subtle energy. Add power to your truth without concerning yourself with mental chatter; get into the feeling. Power up and flower up. Today is about authentic confidence.

A flower is a temporary celebration of the eternal beauty of the soul, both impermanent in form yet representative of timeless truth.

How can we find our essential timeless truth?

We live in a multilayered tapestry of frequencies that can be logged and understood. If you want to see your whole self, write down the feelings as they emerge on a daily basis. The story of your life and the threads that make up the totality of your life become apparent.

Know your own history in order to see the continuity, the strands of energy that flow through your life and how the energy is changing and growing.

Within the process of detailing the personality self and its history, the essential unquantifiable self becomes evident. The true self is behind everything in your life and inherent within everything in your life.

Monday 8 May 2017

4 Storm

A day of dynamic re-organization. A day of adjustment.

A day with something new in it that challenges you to remain true to your truth, your way of life and your purpose, whilst simultaneously adjusting that truth. The challenge then strengthens your foundation.

We cannot have it all. Life is about choice – not all experiences are appropriate to us, but we adapt where necessary.

Old ideas that do not fit your real self are cleansed out of your system today.


Storm is the blood lightening in the body, the activator of the lightbody that seeks to integrate our consciousness of body, mind, soul and spirit. This activation disrupts our patterning. Storm is a power that seeks and demands liberation, bringing drastic change.

Storm days are therefore also the awareness of chaos outside our space of safety, home and emotional sanctum; the chaos of potential total change.

Change is exciting, change is frightening.

Day Four in the timewave is a foundation; energy is held.

The Warrior or Vulture Timewave is strength. Part of that strength is the patience to hold energy, so today we have to contain the electrical energy and allow it to recalibrate, rather than getting fully intoxicated by the thrill of the lightning and its promise of total liberation.

Message from Laurence: Stay conscious, stay centred, have faith in life, intend the benevolent, act upon the more noble, integrity-based impulses you have and be the light we need you to be. Relinquish your life in order to regenerate your life with a new calibration.

I highly recommend that you do some sort of meditation or whatever consciousness practices work for you. Release and reaffirm your life, release negativity and allow your life to reformulate at the template level.

Sunday 7 May 2017

3 Obsidian Mirror

The mind reflects upon its reflection. Be conscious of the temporary nature of thoughts; feel the energy behind the ricochet of thoughts. The mind holds one small piece at a time, seeing just a few degrees of the curve of a sphere – however, 360 degrees of knowledge is required for enlightenment.

See all angles without coming to a conclusion. Enjoy the energy of the intuitive mind.

If you are in tune today, you can be in a state of multifaceted lucidity, as the many faces of a single subject flicker before your awareness.

Here are the essential components of understanding for today:

Three days in each timewave are the days of movement. We might say they are fickle days, restless days, but the energy of Three is momentum, the first essential movement for creation that is closest to Source.

The Obsidian Daykeeper is the Obsidian knife, or flint, derived from the volcanic glass that can be used for surgery – it is sharp enough for that level of precision. Obsidian carries the precision of technology, or the precision of the points of separation between dimensions, and the clarity of the laser that can cut out unhealthy energies from the soul.

Each dimension is an inversion of the last dimension, like a reflection.

Tohil, the deity associated with Obsidian, is called Smoking Mirror.

Obsidian days will reveal shadow aspects of yourself to you. The discomfort is an ally, for you can clear outworn energy from your psyche.

Saturday 6 May 2017

2 Earthmover

The challenge of two dynamic impulses moving in opposite directions – we want this and we want that; give me cake, let me eat it. To develop inner strength we must be able to hold our centre, despite the polarity of our desires, to make sure we do not get pulled apart by our duality.

Or: Two dynamic impulses pulling you in two directions, neither of which you thought you wanted. Synchronize your field and hold the space; just hold.

Or: You manage to successfully accomplish things in two opposing directions that will ultimately synchronize as one.

You might enjoy the power building up within you today, revving up the engine of evolutionary transformation.

Earthmover is movement, the impulse towards integration, so it stimulates the mind to pull everything you have been working on into a unified whole.

However, as today is a Two day, we feel the inherent duality of how we might do that. The practical short-term solution competes with the longer-term, more satisfying endeavour.

Earthmover is also traditionally called ‘Incense’, the Thoughts of Heaven.

Today, if your mind becomes stuck in the polarity, then light incense with intent to release the thoughts into the higher realms. Give them up and allow the solution to be worked out for you.

Friday 5 May 2017

1 Warrior

Come to stillness, find your centre and set your intention.

Today the Warrior Timewave begins. Thirteen days of truth, strength, holding the centre and defending the enduring wisdom of the ages, learning how to come back to your centre time and time again. Learning to move from your centre, consciously experiencing the inevitable loss of centred-ness as you open to life, and then coming back to centre once more.

The Warrior Timewave asks you and gives you the opportunity to be true to yourself.

Accept the challenge.

Strength of mind is needed and resolve is rewarded. Allow in the beam of light, like a laser; invite in a coherent light source from the top of your head, down through your central column and into the ground.

The overriding message today, and the teaching of the whole timewave is to:
• resist the easy impulse to give into your own whims and those of others;
• come back to your centre;
• be the clear light;
• and notice how other people are naturally attracted to you, once you are in that position.

Stay conscious of your heritage, your ancestors, your spiritual tradition and your base humanness. Be humble enough not to believe that you know the absolute truth.

The challenge for all yogis, meditators, gurus and pandits is to recognize that the super-spiritual-ego is very sneaky. The bliss of a truth based on purity often blinds us to the cosmic humour, our universal human base, our ancestral heritage and all that we are product of.

Real wisdom has a sense of humour and is anchored in the feeling of being a human being, like all human beings.

Message from Laurence: In the spirit of this day, I honour and respect the Mayan people for bringing this calendrical system into the world. I also give thanks to the Mayan spirits and others who have inspired me, taught me, laughed at me and with me, and who continue to guide me on my journey of working with this 260-day count.

What Does It Mean to Be a Warrior?

The full challenge of Warrior (aka Vulture or Owl) is being strong, yet open. Life is often tough; it requires real strength of mind that comes from holding intention, yet also having the ability to constantly adjust.

Strength is both adaptable and resilient. Strength requires a healthy physical foundation and a connection to stillness, nature and spirit. Can we be the authors of our lives and be defenders of truth?

The Warrior Timewave manifests as power (10 Serpent); and requires the commitment of inner security, whilst allowing subtle energies to permeate your psyche (8 Foredawn). The wisdom of Warrior (12 Deer or Hand) is the power and strength of being, to hold a dynamic systemic coherence.

In traditional culture, you get rewarded for being a pleaser. Warrior energy is expressed only as righteous indignation and in defence of the cultural clichés of fixed morality. This is okay.

In the mainstream, you get richly rewarded for being ruthless and connected to larger ruthless groups. The survival-of-the-fittest myth, which includes strategic alliances, is perpetuated. For most people though, a reward of comfort comes through compliance with the cult of the individual, honouring the winners and accepting one’s place. This is okay.

In the new age community, you get rewarded for having some personal expression and for being in agreement with the collective sentiment, with espousing a ‘politically correct’ approach. This is okay.

However, if you want to be a true Warrior and live your purpose, there comes a time when the cultural norms no longer fit, especially as you get older. Embrace the full spectrum of society, but defeat and release that within you which no longer serves you.

The Path of the Warrior eventually requires personal leadership and authorship of one’s own life. This is tough, unless one is incredibly strong within, as there is generally not much support from outside oneself. Draw on the strength of resilient adaptable continuity.

Challenge has to be welcomed and enjoyed, as much as is possible, and decisions must be made fairly swiftly and consciously – and then ACTED upon.

A Warrior is alert.

Thursday 4 May 2017

13 Eagle

Today offers an expanded vision that is one step beyond words or grasp, an expansion of consciousness into a higher perspective. Your imagination expands and diversifies.

After Jaguar’s psychic engagement with the immediate occult environment yesterday, today Eagle sees a bigger picture without such visceral connection, while 13 days are dissipative.

The mind is diffuse, but in a good way, as a wide-spectrum awareness opens the vision. Just relax into it and operate from your inner eye. Accept and allow new images into your being.

Something you have hidden from yourself is revealed; it was hidden in plain sight, staring you in the face all the time.

The vision will be devoid of inhibiting filters today. A great day for a 360-degree sophisticated perception, even if it scattered.

A good day for emotional intelligence, offering a profound understanding of feelings and relationships. Insights may well come thick and fast – often overwhelmingly so, forcing the mind to let go as you surrender to the heart and the heart’s intelligence.

A chance to release the self from limitation and to move into the freedom that is available in your life, exactly as it is. With no apparent change of situation, you find the freedom to be and to live your life freely.

Wednesday 3 May 2017

12 Jaguar, Wednesday

The timewave of the Dark Night, the Foredawn or Abyss, reminds us that ultimately, as Ram Dass says, there is nowhere to stand, no place of permanence.

If we are not careful, this information can lead to a sense of nihilism. However, a fuller understanding allows for both an emptiness – the clarity of detachment – and a recognition that we are constantly being asked to choose our life.

All is movement, all is in flux, and therefore we traverse a terrain that requires our alertness and responsiveness.

Understanding yourself as an underworld creature, you prowl with pleasure for you fear no evil. No, not because you are the meanest son-of-a-bitch in the whole damn valley, but because you are a player in the game. 

All systems are switched on, ramping up the alertness of your psychic field as it extends out into the jungle.

A good day for emotionally intelligent instincts as you traverse through shadowy realms, feeling empowered and vital, present in the game of life.

Also, today you can become conscious of the different spaces you inhabit: Your house, the different rooms and your urban locality, as well as your head- and emotional-space. Each space has a specific function and feel and enables a specific experience.

Move consciously through the different doorways that would normally be traversed. Become conscious of each separate space today.

Power and the Benevolent Path
What is power? Power is the energy of the collective consciousness and the environment, which expands by degree into eternity and infinity. Power cannot be owned by an individual, it can only be used.

If an individual tries to own power, then it will destroy them. By its very nature, power cannot be contained. One person is too small a vehicle for the power. Power is energy – always moving, growing and expanding. We can use or borrow power, but only to pass it on.

As sovereign beings, we can be conduits for power, so that we may empower others.

Tuesday 2 May 2017

11 Skywalker, Tuesday

Tune into the Mayan energy today and the open doors. The doors between the Heavens, Earth and the essence of Nature are accessible today. The doors can be seen and the doors are open.

Moving up and down reality, we modify and adapt what comes into our soul, home and sanctuary.

Today doors to the sky open up. Great beings are looking down from beyond at your life and you might be looking up at them.

Or: You have your spacesuit on and are hopping through multidimensional realms.

Today is a day of exploration of ideas. Let part of the mind go into free-fall – or, should we say, free-rise and free association. Expand your mind; consider more for your life.

Do not seek easy conclusions today. Just follow the inspiration up and down the scale from Earth to Heaven, so as to open the Stargate, the portal between the abstract and practical or the mind-body connective tunnel. There will be some natural integration within yourself from this movement of mind.

Allow for a split-screen perspective and some detachment from the mundane.

However, as with all Skywalker (aka Reed) days, we are asked to give thanks for our home, family and food. Though the mind wants to roam free, we also have to accommodate the practicals.

Be strong enough to follow the inspiration, whilst flexible enough to recognize your role within the community.

The dissonant distractions that interrupt your thinking will be the open doors and will actually allow you to receive higher truths.

What adjustment is being made today within your psyche?

This is also a good day for prayers of gratitude that ensure our future lives on Earth.

Monday 1 May 2017

10 Long Good Road, Monday

Today challenges old concepts of reality. Are you able to explore the edge of what we call reality? Can you keep your awareness open to experience the dreamscape that saturates the world?

Today show us the merging of subjective and objective realities, where imagination and physics meet. 

A tangible sense of solidity based on emptiness, as in, your being-ness is the cup or container for consciousness; the abundance of not wanting for ‘Ye shall not want’; the abundance of not clinging or demanding, for ‘Ye are the chalice and the road ahead is expectancy’.

A good day to recognize that all human experience, through all stages of consciousness and all human endeavour, is of itself inherently good for those having the experience. All is good and all is empty, in the Buddhist sense.

Although we know that there are consequences to everything, and that purely selfish pleasures—especially of the extreme kind—are destructive to other people, we can recognize that everything that everyone does is motivated by enjoyment.

Enjoyment evolves as we evolve.

Today is a day when we can access the transcendental amorality of all desires, not so that we give permission to the dark, vile and destructive self-serving actions that take place, but merely to expand our perception and acceptance to become more open to what life actually is.

A day where we let go of battling so as to become more open and trusting of life and of the inherent divinity in all life.

This expansive opening of the psyche brings more benevolence, abundance and community connection into our world.

Acceptance overcomes struggle and light dissolves darkness.

The deep heartfelt acceptance of what is enables the good, the true and the beautiful to supersede the bad, the false and the ugly.

For what is life when viewed from 10 Long Good Road, Grass or Human? It is the ever-expanding journey of life from the lesser to the greater, the ever-expanding discovery of more, the ever-expanding increase in the enjoyment of life by Life.