
Wednesday 24 May 2023

Message from Carey

[1 Skull, 24 May 2023]

I'm sorry

Please forgive me

Thank you

I love you

I am unable to do my daily and two-weekly work to post Laurence's blog every morning, at least for this timewave and the next. I am in the midst of helping arrange the funeral and everything else for my mother, Judy, who died very suddenly and unexpectedly on Saturday 6 May in the evening in the UK at her home, and the following Saturday I had to say goodbye to my beloved 16-year-old Chocolate girl, who had been with me since she was a 6-month-old pup. I am heartbroken.

I am flying to the UK on Sunday night and will be back home on Lamma Island on 17 June. Until then, my time, energy and resources are severely overstretched, so today, the beginning of the Skull timewave, it is appropriate that I 'make choices and cut to the bone, taking a conscious position' on my limitations and priorities. I know Laurence would understand and forgive me. Thank you so much for all your support of LjL's work, wisdom and humour.

You can find the text for each of these days by using the search function on the blogsite. I hope to be back as soon as I can. Meanwhile, I send love and blessings to you all.






































Good Road































FULL MOON 03:42 UTC; 04:41 British Summer time; 11:42 HK time










Tuesday 23 May 2023

13 Serpent

[Tuesday 23 May 2023]

On Cosmic Serpent day, the energy of the Reed (Skywalker) Timewave culminates as you come into the body from the sky.

Earth–Sky Connection, by LjL

You come into everyday reality from the exploration of potentials to face the daily survival needs. Today is a day of kundalini, the life force that powers your survival instincts – the impulse of creation, the evolutionary impulse of life.

Composite created by Carey

Today offers a chance to break free from worry about one’s survival by facing physical reality, and yet vitalising your body with some action and daring.
Feel the fear and do it anyway.

A great day for a breakthrough.

Composite created by Carey
 using various images found on google

Monday 22 May 2023

12 Lizard (Seed)

[Monday 22 May 2023]

A good day to get organised.

Flipchart by LjL

Templates of reality are revealed.

One of the best days in the whole 260-day cycle to have conscious integrated realisations and to see the coherence of your life, a project or the world. A good day for recognising you have a plan, a seed to plant. The ideas of heaven create DNA, morphogenic fields and architectural plans.

Image found on google

Potentially, today offers you a clear-minded understanding of your whole energy, all of your needs and how they fit together.

If you feel confused, face yourself and own your desires, needs and natural mode of being. Be grateful for what you have, but own the need for evolution and growth. From this approach, a sense of the unity of your life’s intentionality and purpose can emerge.

Composite created by Carey

Come into alignment with the higher self and its intent for your life.

The sexual energy and passions also are stirred today, so we look to harness our passion for our purpose.

Flipchart by LjL

Sunday 21 May 2023

11 Foredawn (Dark House, In the House, Dark Night)

[Sunday 21 May 2023]

Moments of romanticism, wonder, captivating memories and cascading feelings can arise today, evoking a state of emotional flux. Within any doubts, confusion or uncertainty lies the question you should be asking.

Laurence James Lucas

Ideas of yesterday turn into feelings today. Doors open into the shadow of ideas, or doors open within the darkness and you see the space for light to enter, even if the darkness temporarily overpowers.

A day of dissolution of one’s mental control as you surrender to creating emptiness. The cycles of creativity require that you make a fallow space and digest any shadow elements. Be in the Dark House and sit it out. You can enjoy the fecundity, if you get into it.

Uncredited image
found on Pinterest

A great day to make space for new inspiration by throwing out assumptions and expectations.

You might not really need what you’ve been thinking you want for some time.

Image originally found on google

If you have noticed during this timewave that you have been formulating new ideas and are desiring to bring those ideas into a cohesive intention, then today you need to create some space for that plan to gestate. (Tomorrow is 12 Lizard, which equals organised Seed, cohesive intention, clearly thought out plan.)

Today, go with the lateral movement, rather than trying to go directly towards completion of your thinking process.

[A poem by Laurence to contemplate on 11 Foredawn:]
My feelings for today that sort of fit:

'I am a twisted firestarter, stomping, screaming, farting laughter,
sneering with a warm veneer
dancing with the anti-rhythm
messing up a tonal order

conducting art, I suppose

just following the dictates of the antipathy
to find that life has sympathy
for life is sweet and wild and smart

‘cos really I am a butterfly.'

Free wallpaper image of a Blue Morpho,
from here
I guess that says it all huh?

Saturday 20 May 2023

10 Wind

[Saturday 20 May 2023]

The Reed (Skywalker) Timewave manifests today as a message or messages that convey the unfolding or potential future we are moving into.

Sail, by Lea Wells
 Image from here

Today, on 10 Wind, the words are strong; the message has power. An idea is formed and you can see it in its entirety, if you step back. You might have to read it more than once to see the wholeness.

Wind solidifies on Day 10. That which was fickle takes a solid shape.

Uncredited image found on google

Today you may see or say words that epitomise your inner sovereign voice, your authority.

Ideas you have been working on or contemplating come into some communicable form today.

Collage made for Laurence by our very dear friend Annie Knibb,
after our 6-week Storyteller workshop at the beginning of 2017.
'The words are strong; the message has power...
You might have to read it more than once to see the wholeness.'
Annie created this as a way to thank Laurence for the workshop,
using words that epitomise his inner sovereign voice
and his humble but profound authority.

Friday 19 May 2023

9 Crocodile

[Friday 19 May 2023. NEW MOON 15:54 UTC; 16:53 British Summer time; 23:53 HK time]

In the Reed (aka Skywalker) Timewave, we are free to soar, to roam the skies and the future. Through the energy of 9 Crocodile, this manifests as the yearnings and deepest needs within us and within others.

Image originally found on google,
photoshopped by Carey

What is the root of your personal aspirations? What is the hidden core drive that leads you to set goals?

A day to connect to the primal beginnings, the core needs that have led to your experience of now. The potentials of your future and our future are rooted in the evolutionary imperatives that started this reality thread. If you can be conscious of your core needs – the most basic urge for safety, survival, territory, nourishment and growth of your life – then you can access creative free will on a deep level.

Photo by Tomás Castelazo, from Wikimedia

Today, acknowledge and accept the primal instinctive level of being. Come back to the imperative of survival of one’s essential being. Recognise the ultimate self-interest as being the expression of the Life Force.

If we lose sight of our need to survive on a spiritual and bodily level, we can easily end up trying to create purely from our mind. This disconnected ideological position then gives rise to a conflict in the body and with nature.

Image found on google

If we do not want to be ruled purely by instinctive unconscious desire, we must first recognise its validity. Then and only then can we take ideological positions.

Today is a day of deeply felt connectedness; a day that allows an awakening around emotions and the energy of the heart.

Loved ones

Thursday 18 May 2023

8 Flower (Sun, Lord)

[Thursday 18 May 2023]

Commit to your sovereignty. Your true authority springs from your divine right of free will.

Created by Carey

Look to recognise your sacred rights and unique essence, without ego inflation. Acknowledge the authentic individual that is within the matrix of interdependence and necessary dependence.

You are not an island, but you are still a unique facet of the human species.

Yung Shue Wan harbour, photo by Carey

Sun is the day of our essence and our most public face, the brightest and most positive side of our psyche. Today we need to commit to the radiance within us, so that the radiance we project is not just an empty image.

Lamma Island, by Chensiyuan, from here

Feel the light, the good and the abundant within you; just be honest and find what you have inside. You may be feeling down and in some darkness – if so, just acknowledge any small light and power you can find. Then just turn the volume up a little.

Today, set your intention to be your light and then relax and let go.

Image found on google

Wednesday 17 May 2023

7 Storm

[Wednesday 17 May 2023]

Today you can feel the need to break free from your patterning and/or can move into resonance with the soul’s need to liberate the self from the psychic matrix that you are presently experiencing.

Storm, captured by André Eichman
7 is the mystical number that reflects the great mysteries, making them accessible in a stepped-down form in our realm. Day 7 in every timewave creates a resonance of understanding or feeling with ineffable consciousness.

Storm is the day of refreshment and novelty that vitalises our life.

Image found on google

Today, be a resonant being by enjoying the spontaneous, as well as the interruptions to your normal routine and habits.

Your body is electrical, not just chemical. Switch the emphasis of your biocircuitry from chemical-electrical to electro-chemical through intentionality.

Image originally found on google,
photoshopped by Carey

The electrical component is more in resonance and interacts more directly with your energy fields and with the greater electrical universe – the plasmic ocean we call space. The energy fields are the templates and determiners of the chemical form.

Novelty changes habitual patterns; it is analogous to an electric storm in your consciousness ... be exhilarated.

Image originally found on google,
photoshopped by Carey

Tuesday 16 May 2023

6 Obsidian (Mirror, Flint)

[Tuesday 16 May 2023]

Light and Shadow

A great day for finding the overlighting organisation and unified intelligence that resolves the paradoxes of any situation you find yourself in.

Light and Shadow
  Original photo thanks to Annie Knibb,
photoshopped by Carey

Today we can see more clearly the role of darker motivations within a bigger picture. The shadow issues are just part of the situation and do indeed play a part in making up a glorious unity.

Feel comfortable with your own paradoxical nature.

The shadow of the world is found within, and through that understanding, a healing, resolution, release or acceptance is made possible.

photo thanks to Vicky Baker Eichman

One thing reflects upon another, or should we say deflects off you at an angle that creates an organic cadence.

Your attention moves from one thing to another, seeing the reflection of the new thing in the previous thing.

Thanks to Vicky Baker Eichman

The day rounds out quite nicely.

Dynamic unity. Within the other, we find ourselves.

Artwork for LjL's first book,
The 21st Century Book of the Dead

Monday 15 May 2023

5 Earthmover

[Monday 15 May 2023]

A day to keep coming back to the observation tower as the synchronic and interesting developments radiate out all around you.

Graphic by LjL

You can see that evolution is not merely up, but all around – like an expanding sphere becoming more complexly organised, more dynamic, colourful and kaleidoscopic.

Feel the synchronic paths opening up all around you. Feel the force of life, as the primal force of growth never stops. Life is never static and today you can find yourself waking up to the unstoppable vitality of life that is inherent within everything, all of the time.

Evolution, flipchart by LjL

A great day to feel plugged into the evolutionary impulse that is at the core of the incredible global drama we are witnessing (if you are keeping up).

Either way, feel the power and the expectation from the centre of the Earth as it goes through this extraordinary awakening.

Evolution 2, flipchart by LjL

Extraordinary awakenings come with strong challenges as aspects of reality are dismantled and fall away. Our challenge is to keep re-finding our centre. Look for the alignment with the life force – it is available.

Evolution-Perception, flipchart by LjL