
Tuesday 29 September 2009

5 Mirror Saturday 26th September

Staying centred in your radiance whilst surrounded by the darkness.

"Though I walk through the valley of shadows"

What do we see when we look out into the world with the penetrating x-ray eyes of a cat, we see the dark agendas, the lower spectrum frequencies, yet we know that this is just part of the terrain we walk through, not the whole of the environment.

so for example there is a world of conspiracy, its not the biggest truth it does not have all the power but the agenda of human enslavement exists within the collective unconscious and is manifest through certain individuals.

You probably have heard of the over arching conspiracy theory, its goes something like this...

there is an ancient bloodline connection to a reptilian based alien elite who wish to enslave humanity utilizing humans who carry the blue cold blood of their stock...

and together with/or

the New World Order actually voiced by Presidents and Prime ministers is to create a corporatocracy based global government that will subdue humanity through its chemistry, with the liberal dosing of dangerous pharmaceuticals, especially immunizations against sparrow flu or whatever scary virus is in fashion, additives in food and through the chem trails in the sky (yes they do exist)make organic food and supplements difficult to obtain...and there's more...the new world order will continue to manipulate the media which is 80 percent in its pocket, control both sides of the political divide, create problems then provide the restraints on human liberty through draconian law, ridicule truth seekers, continue to spread fear about terrorists etc etc...

now the secret societies do exist and there are cover ups like 9-11, weapons of mass destruction, or the UFO phenomenon Roswell area 51 etc and yes there are assassinations of difficult politicians, use of psychics for all sorts of dubious reasons by the military, free clean energy technology is suppressed, I could go on...

when we walk around in our everyday world this whole scenario just sounds like a b-movie fantasy

NOW.... However, the frequency and impulse that conspiracy theory talks about does exist...its part of the polarity of the human psyche...can you look at it, accept its existence, recognize the game is on.... without being hooked too deeply or handing your power over to it...the light is stronger

we also have this within us all, can you accept your shadow but know that your totality is love

If you can, then you are one of the most valuable commodities of the 21st century an obsidian warrior shaman in disguise...Planet Earth 2012 "Game On"

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