
Monday 19 October 2009

Dragon or Crocodile 2 Monday 19th October

The challenge of our need for security and familiarity versus our needs for change.

Applying this on a global level we can agree that we need to change, we need to stop polluting the planet with our ridiculous and unnecessary reliance on oil, but the challenge is; are we ready to embrace free energy?
It is available… but can we accept something for nothing or we too attached to the glamour of our little drama of struggle ‘perpetual-ated’ by an acquiescence to the authority and symbolic ‘power’ of corporate gloss which is posturing loudly, arrogantly and seriously about the supremacy of man, business and science…oh phooey…

On Cosmic terms we are children or adolescents having not properly left the planet and we about to meet the grown up community of ET humanoids. The 2012 effect is happening and has been happening for some time, we are shifting towards a galactic membership

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