
Monday 15 March 2010

Warrior Timewave (to 4 April)

As I am away in the UK for about a month, seeing individual clients for astrological consultations and taking a break from the Internet (computer fasting), I have preloaded each 13-day timewave in its entirety. Scroll down to find today.

13 Star or Rabbit, Sunday 4 April 2010
Truth is everywhere, in everyone and everything. A realization that you are radiating your story, your perception and your take on the world into the universal sea of light.

12 Hand or Deer, Saturday 3 April 2010
A great day to feel balanced between reason and intuition. A day where you can hold the essence of your truth in your hand.
The essence can be held, but of course it has to be held lightly, without clenching. Feel the breeze—maybe shoot the breeze—whilst enjoying a sense of having a firm foundation rooted in the ineffable.

11 Skull, Friday 2 April 2010
Examine your life without sentiment, exploring two opposite viewpoints of who you are and what you will become.
Enjoy the sense of the dissolution of outworn aspects of the self that is creating a portal for the emergence of new aspects of self. There is a feeling of freedom today.

10 Serpent, Thursday 1 April 2010
The body is the foundation for confidence, for living a life that is based on truth and being true to your personal axioms. Listen to your body and what it needs.
The power is in your bodily instincts.

9 Lizard or Seed, Wednesday 31 March 2010
An old intention is reawakened. A plan from the past, based on your real needs, is either implemented or actively embraced. You see now how a plan that you had forgotten about or had only half formed has reached a place that is ready for planting.

8 Dark Night or House, Tuesday 30 March 2010
Commit to the empty space you created during the last timewave, the Dark Night Timewave that started on 10 March. Trust in the benevolence of the void as an invitation to new energy that secures you in your authenticity.

7 Wind, Monday 29 March 2010
You speak so eloquently, so coherently today.
Or: Move into resonance with the unsentimental narrator in the air today.
Life is always talking to us and through us, even if we spin it and filter it through our own ego. Today the magic might arise through hearing a colder, even harsher appraisal of our life. If so, listen to it. Although it may appear unkind at first, hidden between the lines of the message you receive is a truth that can activate something magical.

6 Crocodile or Dragon, Sunday 28 March 2010
Today offers nurturing through learning; acceptance of the ever-changing life flow; a slow emergence with a thick viscosity of energy, like the flow of treacle.

Your truth can never be permanent, but it is your truth for now.
The day offers satisfaction as it is a structured and nurturing day. Be prepared to nurture without being possessive.

5 Sun, Flower or Lord, Saturday 27 March 2010
The light of your centre shines out from your heart. Open your heart and vitalize your truth with light, prana and subtle energy. Add power to your truth without concerning yourself with mental chatter; get into the feeling. Power up and flower up. Today is about authentic confidence.

A flower is a temporary celebration of the eternal beauty of the soul, both impermanent in form yet timeless in truth.

4 Storm, Friday 26 March 2010
A day with something new in it that challenges you to remain true to your truth, your way of life and your purpose, whilst simultaneously adjusting that truth. The challenge then strengthens your foundation.
We cannot have it all. Life is about choice; not all experiences are appropriate to us, but we adapt where necessary.
Old ideas that do not fit your real self are cleansed out of your system today.

3 Obsidian or Mirror, Thursday 25 March 2010
The mind reflects upon its reflection. Be conscious of the temporary nature of thoughts; feel the energy behind the ricochet of thoughts. The mind does one small piece at a time, seeing just a few degrees of the curve of a sphere—however, 360 degrees of knowledge is required for enlightenment.
See all angles without coming to a conclusion. Enjoy the energy of the intuitive mind.

2 Earthmover, Wednesday 24 March 2010
Challenge of two dynamic impulses moving in opposite directions—we want this and we want that; give me cake, let me eat it.
Or: Two dynamic impulses pulling you in two directions, neither of which you thought you wanted. Synchronize your field and hold the space, just hold.
You might enjoy the power building up within you today, revving up the engine of evolutionary transformation.

1 Warrior, Tuesday 23 March 2010
The new Warrior Timewave asks you and gives you the opportunity to be true to yourself. Accept the challenge.
Strength of mind is needed and resolve is rewarded. Allow in the beam of light, like a laser; invite in a coherent light source from the top of your head, down through your central column and into the ground.

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