
Wednesday 30 June 2010

9 Eagle, Wednesday 30 June 2010

Eagle 9, flying above the polarities that lie below, whilst integrating heart and mind. Compassionate yet discerning thought yields the rewards today.


The 260 days of the Sacred Mayan Calendar is a fractal of the 26,000 Tun (Tun is the 360-day cycle) that measures the galactic spin.

The 260-day calendar has resonance with individual human gestation (266 days on average), while the 26,000 years (approximately) of the galactic cycle measures the development of the whole human species in ways we are not yet sure of, but which probably mark the duration of a "mutation" of the species -- a birth of new consciousness.

By following the 260-day calendar, we move into resonance with Galactic consciousness and with species issues. Our relationship with time and space changes... below is a primer. Just look at the pictures; it is all pretty toroidal geometry.

The toroidal universe is a fractal universe and it is how reality looks as we wake up to planetary consciousness. Spend just a few minutes clicking through the documents below and look at the pictures -- enjoy them intuitively.

For those want to look at the toroidal universe, go here

View more documents from cbuono.

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