
Tuesday 10 August 2010

11 Warrior, Vulture or Owl, Tuesday 10 August 2010

The 11th day of each timewave is about opening the doors to incoming energy and consciousness (and it seems quite appropriate that the new moon is at 11.08am in HK today). 11:11 is the Stargate; 11.11gmt or universal time is the time of the winter solstice on 21st December 2012, the end of the Mayan Calendar.

11 is when the doors of our reality, our perceived manifest solidity, opens to let in more light and consciousness.

To develop a sophisticated view of reality - which is to be conscious of complex patterns - requires an ability to hold a different set of contrary perspectives at any one time. This ability is based on staying open, keeping open your windows and the doors of your perception, which are located in the energy field. To see the emerging and developing patterns inherent within our global society involves staying open whilst understanding that reality is comprised of levels, both psychological and metaphysical.

Different levels have different truths. 2012 is encoded with an influx of new energy into the Earth. We are challenged to stay open to see what is coming in, rather than having fixed perspectives. At the same time, we are challenged to see what is receiving that energy.

We are being asked to be conscious of the multiple truths of a changing human society that is being led towards a state of consciousness beyond planet Earth. What is the new energy incoming and what is the nature of the self, society, species and planet receiving this energy? These are the questions to ask yourself today to some extent, but more profoundly in 2012.

The Warrior is the sacred warrior of truth.

Today, open yourself to higher truth.

ps Come to Ecuador with me in April 2011 to explore this in depth.

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