
Wednesday 22 September 2010

2 Storm, Wednesday 22 September 2010

The pull of opposites today can be exhilarating as you move into unexpected zones and experiences.

Today, the duality of day 2 on the Galactic frequency is in alignment with the waxing full moon in the Lunar frequency. The desire to truly break free from the constraints of yourself can make you feel you are being pulled apart and/or give you the space to find some unexpected inner freedom.

A good day to recognize how you have created your life as it is; how the mixing bowl of your psyche, filled with all the divergent needs and desires, has resulted in the reality you walk in.

To find freedom in this day, accept the situation and your own duality. You then have the opportunity to enjoy and appreciate the novelty and variety that life offers you.

Consciously create some contrast in your day; deliberately embrace some contrasting activities.

The potential result from this day is a genuine sense of refreshment.

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