
Sunday 27 February 2011

4 Earthmover, Sunday 27 February 2011

What energy are you drawing from the Earth? What are your roots and what has taken root in your life?

The basic imprint of the evolutionary agenda in your life - and in life in general - is present in this day. Life is forever changing. Today you can recognize how the tectonic plates of reality are constantly moving and sliding.

The 260-day pulse of the Sacred Mayan Calendar reveals the Galactic pulse on Earth.

The associations of the Gregorian Calendar, with its 24-hour clock, 7-day week and 12-month year, weave solid baskets of thought all around us. Can you walk in this contextual structure and yet also awaken to the numinous potency of the 260-day vibration?

Today you sense an enduring underlying interconnection. A re-occurring idea or feeling that you have had throughout your life resurfaces into your awareness.

Artwork by Douglas Blair from here

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