
Tuesday 21 June 2011

1 Monkey, Tuesday 21 June 2012

Starting today, 13 days of monkeying around.

Weave some new threads into your life with playful, creative, inquisitive and, most of all, spontaneous acts. Let's break out a little with the blessings of the trickster Monkey.

Work is play and play is work. Monkey has a tricky sense of humour and challenges us to adapt. Structured plans will not stay on course or work out in a linear fashion with Monkey energy -- that can be frustrating; however, Monkey will be offering us a more creative and fun way of performing tasks and solving problems.

Stay inquisitive during these 13 days and enjoy the mischievous energy. Serious problems require our engagement, mundane issues require attention -- but the Monkey will teach us that we can find novel, unusual and even what might appear at first as strange ways or methods to deal with life.

Monkey is the master craftsman and this particular day, 1 Monkey, is revered by the Highland Maya. A playful attitude yields new wisdom in this timewave. Monkey teaches us that creative play is at the heart of the divine. Allow novelty into your life and be inventive.

In the Jose Arguelles Dreamspell today is the day at the centre of the calendar.

Interestingly this is synchronizing with the Summer Solstice, the Sunrise is celebrated as we welcome the longest day in the northern hemisphere

Exact Solstice in the UK June 21, 2011 at 17:16 GMT or 6.16 pm summer time,
June 21 2011 at 1:16 pm EDT (New York) and tomorrow morning, June 22 at 01:16 am here in Hong Kong.

Be sure to connect to the elements today, go outside, burn some incense and celebrate the day in some way.

This is a love life and laugh permission day.

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