
Sunday 3 July 2011

13 Darkhouse or Foredawn, Sunday 3 July 2011

Let go and jump into the mystery; open yourself to go beyond what you know. The energy of today is  conducive to creating space in your life for the renewed clarity of intention that will be emerging next week.

A great day for contemplating the stars and the cosmos and feeling the bliss and awe that comes when you allow yourself to reach out into the unknown.

The Monkey timewave ends with cosmic awe. Monkey draws upon this experiential truth to retain his humour and spontaneity.

Picture above from, picture below from here


2012 and Timelines

The Timelines Radiant out as we stand in the Dark House—dimensional doorways open before dawn

Running concurrent with my practices and research has been my involvement with the Maya Calendar and the question of 2012. In truth it feels like my research on human evolution, my attempts to understand my experiences and the nature of reality have been totally entwined with the Maya, their calendars and 2012.

The fact that the 2012 ‘end date’ is so hotly debated shows that it is a significant turning point on Earth. I have not reached the end of my research with 2012 and it is now 2011, there is no conclusion and I suspect we will not be able to fully understand the meaning of it for at least three years after the date has come and gone, by which time it will of course be largely forgotten, irrespective of any dramatic events that unfold. I do not expect the end of the world, as I have said for some time the actual fundamental change will be something subtle. The social drama, the friction between the counter culture and the establishment, which is not so subtle is set to hot up and that is certainly one manifestation of 2012, one which can see now and soon to increase.

But still, what is the definitive meaning?

I am certain that in this 2012 era the human species is being pushed into seeing human life on a much bigger canvas, essentially we are in an emergence towards a planetary culture which awakens our relationship with the Galaxy. On a planetary level, a culture is conscious that it is moving through the heavens and is subject on all levels to cosmic influences. In so doing we change our relationship with time and space, the Mayan factor, to this end pulls us into questioning the ancient past as well as the future. The Mayan Day Glyphs wonderfully interpreted by Jose Argüelles and the pyramids have this science fiction futuristic element to them; they lend themselves to futuristic imaginings. Tikal for example was used in a Star Wars film. The 260 day sacred calendar, the essential fractal of all calendars, transcends the linear timeframe to the extent that the archaic and futuristic sit happily together side by side, it’s like the ancient and the future potentials are interconnected.

Today I was awoken by a conversation with some spirit beings—that as ever was occurring in the hypnagogic state. The conversation or perhaps more like a one way guidance or narration, which was somewhat stern and unsentimental, was emphasizing the crossroads. Crossroads are often portrayed as powerful places in many indigenous cultures, evoking some fear. In particular the Maya associate crossroads on Earth with the crossroads in the night sky, the point where the ecliptic, the sun’s path intersects the galactic equator at the point known as Xilbabe Be, the visible dark rift along the Milky Way. It is this crossroads point where the Winter Solstice Sun is to found in the 2012 era (1980—2016 as explained by John Major Jenkins).

The symbology of the Sun moving through this dark rift area on Winter solstices from 1980—2016 is that off death and rebirth as the light source is swallowed by the Crocodile’s mouth of Xilbabe Be.

The exact Winter Solstice moment when viewed from the homelands of where we have derived the 2012 date is before dawn, (which is when I get my most pertinent spirit narration, as happened today—Foredawn) Venus is rising, or being born we could say, conjunct the star Antares, the heart of the Scorpion. Also astrologically we find that the Moons North Node is in Scorpio in the 12th house, suggesting the challenge of 2012 is to enter into the hidden darkness, to engage with the behind the scenes cosmic drama—to walk into the Darkhouse that is the first test of the Underworld in the Popul Vuh.

The energy of the Darkhouse is associated with the small ‘houses’ on the top of the Mayan pyramids, these are like dimensional doorways and I have experience this for myself with my ex-partner in 1996/7 in Palenque. One night we sneaked past the armed guards to have the whole plaza—abuzz with the sound and presence of the humid jungle, howler monkeys, bats and insect chorus—to ‘ourselves’. As we walked to the top of one of the main pyramids I saw doors open horizontally and vertically, it was freaky and the atmosphere was intense, we ran away—which I think may have been the correct action at the time.

Anyway the point I am making is that the 2012 era is a crossroads and the profound truth of a crossroads in life is that this is where different timelines appear. The absolute darkness, the total mystery of this gateway is that it is Omni-directional. Time lines open up either through rapid bifurcation or possibly as an array of potentials in every position emanating form the centre out into every position of a sphere, 360 degrees through all planes of the spherical surround. The mouth of the cave or the doorway to the Darkhouse is also akin to the Stargates, the gateways out of the Earth’s energy field that are guarded by those who would control reality. The Lords of the Underworld have to be met with the spirit of the Monkey, a game-player attitude, a bit like the attitude that is required for the computer games that many are addicted to at this time.

So as we stand in the gateway to the larger reality of the cosmos, we have the potential to awaken to this fact, to be conscious of it. I see that the challenge is just to be at the gateway for now, to recognize the planetary level of reality, which includes the awareness of a multitude of cosmic potentials—different timelines for our species. To understand timelines is to recognize that our future is dependent upon the past we select.

If we study the archaeological records fully we would have to see that our ancient past is a tantalizing mystery that suggests various potential pasts, but with a central story that has some general consistency.

It looks fairly clear that there was an advanced antediluvian culture that destroyed itself through a misuse of power, decadence and abuse. Remnants of this culture then spread out through the world, (which was perhaps far less evolved than the ‘Atlantean Empire’) and then they disseminated knowledge to establish farming villages, build pyramids leave spiritual guidance and encoded astronomical information in stone and story. The great attractor of all this would seem to be around 11,000 BCE, half a galactic spin previous to our time now (approximately 13,000 years ago). We have the Egyptians talking of the Ages of the Gods, followed by the age of the semi divine beings all occurring before the age of the Pharoahs.  There would seem to be interference from the gods, which may well be an extra-terrestrial species involved and entangled with our evolution. There are ubiquitous tales of giants, flying machines, magical use of earth energy, the flood, the divine punishment and then gods that took pity upon us, supplying an ark, a sophisticated ship (it looks like it has been found here is an excellent 50 minute video with the evidence) as well as the gods helping to create establish civilization worldwide.

A large number of alternative academic and brilliant researchers, present compelling evidence that all of this is not just imaginative wish fulfillment, there is a central consistency to the myths throughout all ancient cultures. The exact details are debatable, like who exactly were the Atlanteans? A different evolutionary stream of Humans that reached an advanced stage of evolution, that maybe started to catch up with the Extra-terrestrial gods? Are the gods coming back. I feel that is so.

This mythic ground resonates with the world as it is today, in some way there is a mirror reflection to that time half a precessional cycle ago. With our sudden rapid rise in technological know how and the dystopian and utopian potentials that exist before us we seem to need to explore openly the past that far back at least.

There is severe suppression, denial, ignorance, angry defence and character assassination coming from the mainstream towards anyone who dares questions the official story of the past, the story of ancient history and human origins. The official line is that we know the past, we know how we have evolved, let us stick to it!

Balderdash and Poppycock!

The scientific and archaeological evidence does not support the official past, there are more holes in it than Swiss cheese, it does not give us an exact clear picture either but the official story is a repressed and narrow perspective. The story of the past creates the parameters for our future. 

 (Copper chisels?)

To change the timeline of our future we need to open up the debate on our past and start to construct a tentative but more complex picture that allows for open research and intelligent questions.

It looks to me as if The Lords of the Underworld are pulling the strings of the puppets that want to keep us on one timeline.

How do we play the game? I would say with creativity and imagination rather than pure science. The past is not fixed as absolute, time decays over time, as there are multiple timelines, in the same way that the future is not fixed. The further we go back into time the more variance exists concerning the past.

The exploration of the past is fun, imaginative and I believe essential, by playing with the stories that are potentially true; of who we are, may have been, how we originated and evolved, we are feeding the collective consciousness and enabling evolution of consciousness.

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