
Saturday 15 September 2012

11 Darkhouse, Foredawn or House, Saturday 15 September

Within the doubts, confusion and uncertainty lies the question you should ask.

Ideas of yesterday turn into feelings today. Doors open into the shadow of ideas, or doors open within the darkness and you see the space for light to come in, even if the darkness temporarily overpowers.

A day of the dissolution of one's mental control as you surrender to creating emptiness. The cycles of creativity require that you make a fallow space and digest any shadow elements. Be in the dark house and sit it out. You can enjoy the fecundity if you get into it.

A great day to make space for new inspiration by throwing out assumptions and expectations.

You might not really need that which you have been thinking you want for some time.


The Long Count Calendar measures the Earth’s relationship with the Galaxy, the 2012 era speaks of the Galactic cycle. This creates an influx or descension of consciousness and energy from beyond the Earth which is pulling the planetary system upwards, accelerating the evolution of consciousness towards the planetary scale. The Planetary Civilization may take a hundred years to emerge. Planetary consciousness is the stage of socio/psychological and consciousness development that bridges human history and all that we are today with the cosmic. A planetary civilization is both connected up and down the scale, from Gaia to the Stars, from the primal to the ineffable.

The magnetic pull towards a conscious complex living planetary system disturbs the stability of society as it is. The effect is that all polarities seek resolution, paradoxically immediately revealing the core polarities and bringing ancient scripts toward resolution. The evolutionary pressure intensifies the world’s drama and creates more chaos.

The alignment in the 2012 era (specifically 1980-2016) of the Winter Solstice Sun with Xibalbe Be, the dark rift near the Galactic centre is spoken about in Mayan Mythology in the Popul Vuh. The hero twins have to face the dark lords of Xibalbe who use cunning and dirty tricks to ensnare them, the twins outwit the dark lords in the end.

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