
Tuesday 4 September 2012

13 Good Road, Grass or Human, Tuesday 4 September

Feel the totality of your light emissions and how they attract people into your life. Enjoy the radiating potentials that life offers you, based on all of the different desires you hold. Today the energy spirals out onto another level. The 13th day releases and harvests the energy of the whole timewave. This is the last day of the timewave of the Sun or Flower. Today enables you to see the totality of your desires and thoughts (which have manifested as the totality of your life experience) as radial lines of possible futures. This is most evident through all the people you have encountered over the last 13 days and the potential paths that open up through relating to each of them and reinforcing the associated energy. Every thread of light that emanates from you draws in different events and people -- and people, especially people, are each a synchronous web of unique connections. Each person you encounter offers you a new doorway to reality, but do you see where each path can lead? If so, you can choose to let go of some of those threads and release the energy of that which does not feel as if it would be fulfilling. This means releasing the desire and whimsical wants that lead you down limiting paths. Liberate yourself by liberating some of the energy you expend in wanting that which is inappropriate to your best interests. Today is Eb, Human or the Good Road, the road of life’s adventure. The good road of life is also the Milky Way, the path of the Soul. Above is the Galactic Butterfly, the symbol of the Galactic spiral. Open your mind a full 360 degrees and be the empty conduit for the possibilities of the next timewave. Light is a radiant energy, just like full consciousness. Galactic Time is also radiant. The Cosmos is all around, in all directions, and that is not just space but time/space. That’s right, the true nature of time is that it radiates out in all directions.

And One Last Nudge

Dear Friends,
I am excited to invite you to join me this Tuesday, 4 September, in an online discussion with people from all over the world in a Great Mystery Salon. This webinar, entitled 2012 and Beyond: Transformation of the Psychic Landscape & the Emerging Planetary Consciousness, is based on my new book.
Time (Tuesday 4 September):
10am Honolulu
1pm San Francisco
4pm New York
9pm London
Time (Wednesday 5 September):
4am Hong Kong
6am Sydney
Great Mystery Online Salons are interactive fireside chats with a global community connecting you with the most interesting and pioneering thought leaders of our time. When you register for the live session you also receive access to the recordings to watch again.
Using Cisco System's state-of-the-art live video streaming technology, these global conversations come directly to your computer. You're invited to participate in the discussion, ask questions, and share your thoughts. All you need is a good Internet connection. Information about Viewing Online is posted to the registration pages. Participation is by donation.
And here is the website for my new limited-edition full-colour book, available now.
I am very proud of this book, which is based on over 20 years’ research. Be sure to check it out.
Blessings and thanks,
Laurence James Lucas
Life Change Facilitator

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