
Wednesday 19 September 2012

2 Deer or Hand, Wednesday 19 September

The challenge of transformation comes to the surface today.

A sense of new things coming in, old things passing out, without knowing the details.

What do we hold onto and what do we let go of?

Navigate the energy as it flows between polarities. Feel into it; sense the energy.

You do not necessarily need to decide what is to be let go of, just allow your consciousness the space to calibrate the incoming and outgoing energies.

2012: What’s Going On?

Laurence James Lucas

The year 2012 is here; we are living through it now. So what has happened? What is happening?

The short answer is that everything somehow feels different; there is a degree of unfamiliarity to the reality we are experiencing. The key is feeling, for it is in the realm of feeling that the world has changed.

We normally thinking of feeling and emotion as something purely personal and subjective, but the esoteric truth is that the emotional and feeling capacity is rooted in its own substance, which we can loosely call ‘astral matter’. The oceanic astral realm is where the individual meets the collective, for our astral bodies are permeable.

Tidal Crescendos, Calm Waters and Choppy Seas

The 2012 effect is well and truly with us as the increasing influx of interstellar plasma into our planet’s energy field is being felt by those who are sensitized to the atmospheric conditions. The world is in a heightened state of flux and instability. The dynamic oscillation of the astral emotional realms is resulting in many people flip-flopping in their moods.

The emotional undercurrent is fuelling feelings of insecurity, an inability to stay centred and doubts as to where to be, to live, even to belong. Emotional meltdowns coexist with calm—even euphoria—in shorter timeframes. Positive and negative expectations dance around each other, while extreme fluctuations in emotional and physical energy, together with a sense of disinterest and addiction to trivia and distraction, are all surging and receding in the flux of the collective emotional ocean.

Money and Power

In the socio-political-economic realms, there is an enormous amount of activity and friction behind the scenes between various agendas. The concerted push for totalitarian control is being met by a significant psychic force generated by minority noncompliance, as well as allegedly legal counteractions. The dynamic oscillation, the flux effect, is continuing to build an intense psychic pressure, which will soon break through to the surface in some way.

The individual is becoming both increasingly interconnected to all world events and seeking a compartment of isolation. In the middle ground, between the individual and the totality of the Earth, the consensus reality of society continues—albeit very uneasily and with a fragility that many are trying to deny. No wonder a general sense of confusion, relativity of truth and impermanence are on the increase.

A Whole World Before Us

The world is undergoing dissolution and, simultaneously, an emergence of an altogether new human civilization. We are being pulled towards a planetary consciousness—and I emphasize the word ‘towards’, as while this is on our far horizon, it is still within our psychic landscape and social dialectic.

The reaction against that pull is an increased fragmentation and a desire for distraction and avoidance. If ‘globalization’ speaks to us of a stale homogenous experience, ‘planetization’ speaks of a dynamic connectedness and aliveness.

Change Springs from More Subtle Realms

The source of the energy change we are feeling with the 2012 effect, the cosmic influx, is pushing planet Earth to evolve. It is undermining the social structures, dissolving the fabric of our agreed-upon reality and releasing energy for change and reorganization.

However, it looks overall as if the extreme potentials of each polarity are being held in check, at least to some degree. The oscillation seems to be held within a contained equilibrium.

Continuous Re-engagement

We are in the midst of an evolutionary pull, but one that has no absolute timeframe. My research suggests that this transition will be felt most intensely in the next three years, after which it will continue to unfold over a couple of decades.

The evolutionary pressure of the moment means that it is time to raise our game. There is an enormous amount of energy in the planetary system and what is required of us now is faith and courage to connect to and utilize our inner resources.

·       Nurture a larger vision whilst paying attention to the immediate situation.
·       Stay adaptable and responsive to change.
·       Continuously re-grasp your centre.
·       Stay open to the inevitable new opportunities in this flux state of reality.
·       Validate your own recognition that we are living in an era of large-scale change.
·        Reinforce the truth you know within yourself that change brings crisis but more importantly, it open the doors to opportunity.

Here is a video presentation on this topic:

Here is the website for my new limited-edition full-colour book:

Here is my website for astrological consultations and shamanic rituals:

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