
Thursday 22 November 2012

1 Monkey, Thursday 22 November

Starting today, 13 days of monkeying around.

Weave some new threads into your life with playful, creative, inquisitive and, most of all, spontaneous acts. Let's break out a little with the blessings of the trickster Monkey.

Work is play and play is work. Monkey has a tricky sense of humour and challenges us to adapt. Structured plans will not stay on course or work out in a linear fashion with Monkey energy -- that can be frustrating; however, Monkey will be offering us a more creative and fun way of performing tasks and solving problems.

Stay inquisitive during these 13 days and enjoy the mischievous energy. Serious problems require our engagement, mundane issues require attention -- but the Monkey will teach us that we can find novel, unusual and even what might appear at first as strange ways or methods to deal with life.

Monkey is the master craftsman and this particular day, 1 Monkey, is revered by the Highland Maya. A playful attitude yields new wisdom in this timewave. Monkey teaches us that creative play is at the heart of the divine. Allow novelty into your life and be inventive.

This is a love life and laugh permission day.

When we enter the implicit realm that can be accessed via the pineal gland/third eye we encounter a fractal interface. The fast moving fractal experience of psychedelic trips is a reality, a deeper level of existence, where the psyche is experienced at a faster rate. One thing turns into another into another before arriving back at the start, then it loops again. The self perpetuating nature of our enchantment is made of conscious holographic substance. Get more into the flow of the ever changing yet circulating experience as we approach the Winter Solstice 2012. The Monkey Timewave allows us to access the fractal flow and incite our craft, our art, our creative engagement with life.

 After this Monkey Timewave it is the Lizard or Seed Timewave, the intelligence and plan is revealed then it is the Earthmover Timewave. Earthmover brings us 13 days of evolutionary synchronization, the Timewave of the Maya 2012 end date. Follow the story that is unfolding in your life and connect to the effect of the cosmic influx. Be awake for 2012 and feel into the energy that is unfolding for this is an epic moment, connect and you will be conscious of the 2012 effect in the years to come after everyone else has forgotten about 2012.

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