
Friday 9 November 2012

1 Obsidian Friday 9 November

The 13-day timewave of the Obsidian Mirror begins today. In this 13-day period, look at the shadow with a clear perception. When you look into the smoking mirror, keep looking through the clouds until you find the clear sky.

The world reflects ourselves back to us, revealing a semblance of the totality of our desires and inner feelings. This timewave will reveal the shadow of your life -- it is a challenge to accept that which you see.

However, the greatest challenge is to not see the fuzzy distortion of the shadow as the whole truth; it is just part of the truth. The light, the bright, the good and the beautiful are more powerful and more pertinent to life.

You are not your shadow, so do not identify with it. Accept the shadow of your relationships, your culture and your world as aspects, forces and elements that make up the entirety of your reality.

The opportunity afforded in this timewave is to be brave enough to open the heart with intelligence that bit wider. Open and accept and increase your connection to the essential awesome nature of life.

Acceptance is Love. See the shadow, then look beyond it, because the shadow is also illusory from the perspective of unity consciousness. This message is pretty strong in the ordinary astrology chart for 2012, as the North Node is in Scorpio in the 12th House. The Node shows the direction and challenge, Scorpio speaks of the dualistic drama of light and dark and the 12th house is the hidden door to the source.

I am not long back from a month’s very intense but wonderful trip to England. I’m happy to be home and enjoying the perfect weather and the early morning light.

 2012 and Beyond, the book 

  Carey and I have sold out of the first print run of our limited-edition full-colour book, 2012 and Beyond: Transformation of the Psychic Landscape and the Emerging Planetary Consciousness.

 I am very encouraged by the feedback, which has been enthusiastic and consistent—people keep returning to the book, understanding greater depths each time. This is not just about this year; the book looks at the 2012 effect, which will certainly remain relevant for the next decade or more. Andy Thomas, a successful alternative author and speaker, told me personally that in his opinion, this is the best overview of 2012 he has read.

We will be doing one more small print run before the end of 2012, so if you would like a copy of this highly collectable art book, please email me on

 See more about the book here:

Miracles Here is my latest web offering, entitled For a Miracle, which features some of my shamanic paintings and which reminds you to reach out for the miraculous… 

Thank you for your time and for your attention, Blessings Laurence

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