
Friday 2 November 2012

7 Monkey, Friday 2 November

Apologies for missing yesterday I was flying back to Hong Kong, wow that was an intense and interesting trip. I once again emphasize that intensity, is the keyword for this late 2012 period.

In the midst of this energetic and emotional intensification--highlighted even more with Saturn in Scorpio, which speaks of emotional effort--I feel a sense of the new shoots of creative innovation sprouting, if you have something that is new for society,a new approach, then keep the faith.
The corporate philosophy is very strong and persuasive at present, but the way forward is not more of the same, that approach is desperately hanging on. Do not afraid to develop your projects in the way you would like, the time is coming when a social revolution, at least a degree of it, will breakthrough. People are being conservative in their businesses even in the alternative world, but there is a hunger for a a freshness, for permission, for more authenticity and for truly individual and creative expressions.
Something unexpected and rather quite wonderful can come to you today in the midst of whatever you are doing.

A good day to be curious and to enjoy your vocation without taking it too seriously.

If you take yourself too seriously, the trickster will show up. If you act too silly, the trickster will put on a serious face. However a little impudence is appropriate today. Drop that which needs to be dropped (fear and worldy seriousness) and feel the sense of extraordinary fun that is implicit in life.

A sense of magic can emerge in your work today, while a sense of purpose can emerge in your leisure today.

Monkey is associated with the artisans who carved the glyphs and constructed the temples -- sacred creative work that gave the labourers a connection to the Mayan Cosmology, which reflects the reality of the cosmic game.

Play the game of life today and be open to the miraculous for Monkey is weaving magic into the air and it might just be your turn.

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