
Friday 21 December 2012

4 Flower, Lord, Sun or Marksman The End of the 13 Baktun Cycle

Here We Are

Make this day special, make it personal.

4 Flower is a day that tells us that change requires a foundation of confidence, based on recognizing that you are a divine being of light. Every person is divine and every person, if conscious of that, should rightly be confident and glowing. I know its a fine line between confidence and arrogance or ego inflation, but today err on the side of confidence.

Today is the end of a chapter in human species evolution. You are a human, I presume, therefore you are a fractal of the change. Make the moment personally meaningful whilst acknowledging you are interconnected, via various gateways, to the whole human species. The change is anchored with a beam of energy that comes in exactly at the Solstice moment at 11:11 GMT.

The light that floods in, will be on the subtle planes.

It will not be in the news...I doubt it will anyway?

It is up to you, to now joyously focus on this moment, with a sense of the drama of the grand scale of human life whilst being true to yourself.

My day started many hours ago with a greeting to the dawn. I was met with a spectacular display as four kites, birds of prey, rolled and clustered around each other in the sky, directly in the east, four hundred yards in front of me. Then one flew back to me and facing east with me, hovered about 12 foot in the air and 20 foot away from my right shoulder. Together we greeted the dawn of a new day.

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