
Wednesday 2 January 2013

3 Good Road, Tooth or Human, Wednesday 2 January

The energy of the socio-economic new year 20:13 starts to roll. The astronomical and real New Year (and New Era) began on 22 December 2012, or 5 Crocodile, but the energy filters into our social system via our Gregorian Calendar.

If you are working with a New Year's Intention, recognize the gradual emergence factor, ie hold your attention on your intention up to the Spring Equinox, rather than making your intentions fragile by expecting a fundamental change in January.

The seasonal cycle rules our base emotions and body timing, so utilize the natural energy to allow yourself to realize new intentions, rather than expecting an instant change; natural growth is very slow... go gentle with yourself. The Gregorian Calendar is rather coldly mechanistic, slightly disconnected from nature, and therefore does not suit our natural physio-psychology.

On the Long Good Road of Life we are guided by invisible friends from the spirit world.

Walk with joy today as the energy moves out of yesterday's polarity. If you feel stuck today, just do something -- it is one step at time. A good day to talk with other people, maybe lots of people, without necessarily worrying about direction; just get energy moving.

Know that life itself is intelligent and will guide you.

The rational mind, the intellect can not ultimately guide you, but the mind is not to be negated, use your mind whilst knowing you can not reach some ultimate conclusion. Life cannot be fully worked out. However mental effort enables us to ask better questions which then supply new partial truths which then lead onto even clearer questions. So it is we move forward.

Step forward with an openness that values the mind as a tool but not as the determiner of your reality and you will be on the road that is your destiny.

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