
Monday 7 January 2013

8 Earthmover Monday 7 January 2013

I do not know about you, but for me the World has indeed changed.

Every year, we feel a sense of freshness after the Christmas Holidays but I am feeling something subtle but profoundly different about the background environment this year.

History has ended, the thoughtform of recorded history is an inert shell to some extent or has been ruptured, I can feel that the door to the archaic has opened. The timeframe of our existence is expanding, the substance of the time-space field that is our context has most definitely been recalibrated.

(Check out the Crow for contemplations on Time)

Listen to your own feelings though, register your own sense of reality.

Change Coming into Being

Honour your emotional state, acknowledge how you feel, then search for the good. Reinforce that which is good and is seeking to establish itself in your life. Affirm your growth; life is forever changing. Affirm the change taking place in yourself. Identify the positive changes of late that are happening to you or within you -- even if you feel that you are changing for the worse -- because the truth is that there is always an element of positive growth taking place.

If you follow the 260-day pulse, you will start to notice certain mathematical patterns, such as the 8th day of the timewave being the 1st day of the previous timewave. The last timewave, therefore, was an Earthmover timewave. This means that today is a day of committing your energy, or we can say incrementally committing more of your energy to that which emerged in the previous timewave.

The nature of change that emerged -- which would have revealed an inherent evolutionary facet of your life message -- is now showing itself again. You are being called to synchronize and integrate with it. Do not try too hard, just observe the day and remember to commit your energy to what is progressive when Life asks you.

Synergize your potentials within your present emotional reality.

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