
Wednesday 13 February 2013

6 Jaguar, Wednesday 13 February

The feeling self is an instinctive self, prowling the unseen environment of the World Soul. Enjoy the half-formed thoughts and enticing feelings that arise and sink in your consciousness.

A day of feeling alert.

Follow the rhythm of the day instinctively, staying alert to the playful moment.
Jaguar is tied to the Earth in its wild state, especially at night. Jaguar is the feminine earthy vitality, sensual and is what I wrote 260 days ago

"Jaguar days are always more Shamanic and Jungley, and for me this morning this is doubly so, I awoke with a strong need not to do chi-gong or yoga but to just lie on my back listening to the intense Cicada and bird chorus. After one hour I went into the hills here on Lamma. The day is overcast, breezy and unusually coolish (still very humid) the wind, insects and sheer verdant growth in the hills really evoked the jungle and shamanic atmosphere...not to mention the small brown snake and the big jet black snake (Cobra, I think) on the path that me and my dog bumped into, that gave me some shock and awe"

This morning I also feel a strong need for connection to the wild environment, a need that feeds my gratitude for the beauty around me.

A good day to allow space for shamanic practice, follow the call of nature and consciously directly evoke connection to natural spirits and sacred space.

Jaguar day a luxurious heightening of the senses...

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