
Thursday 21 March 2013

3 Dog, Spring Equinox

The emotional body is energized today.

Today is a day for dynamic exchange and social activity. A day of energizing emotive communication. This is a great day to be with people and enjoy their company, for it is through others that we feel the real abundance of life.


A day of feeling nurtured by the abundance of life all around you and the opportunities in front of you.

A day of new emotional energy as you refresh your feeling for life

The Tzolkin Day of 3 Dog and the Spring Equinox give you the chance to re-vitalize yourself through emotionally engaged communication. Your internal light and consciousness is not separate from the external world, do not be shy about your gifts. Do authentic publicity, show your best face put a spin on your spiritual talents for the sake of all. So often we hear the criticism aimed at alternative professionals that they are in it for the money. This is a joke, most of the time, if you only want money you corporatize yourself, or you work in the system.

There is a balance, but in general most alternative therapists, artists and visionaries undersell themselves, that will not help the world, as a friend said to me, we are here to sell spirit, not sell out, but convey the greater truth....

In the spirit of this sentiment I urge you to check out my new course that I am presenting in Westerham on the Kent/Surrey border. Over twenty years of experiential research being integrated in the whole course, I know this is my gift, here is the first module....I really believe this is something uniquely enabling access to the new energy that is flooding the Earth's environment behind the veil of consensual contraction and is time for individuals to break out of the herd inertia....HERE is the web brochure

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