
Friday 19 April 2013

12 Serpent, Thursday 25 (Scroll Down Until You Reach Today)

A day of understanding the instinctive level of reality. A day where you can connect to your own survival instinct and survival impulse. Today is a good day to recognize how the biorhythms shape our psychology and how they are interlinked with the invisible environment.

The snake is the manifest expression of Kundalini life force, the power to live and evolve. Serpent issues are issues of sex and power. The battle for power in the world takes place on many fronts and includes the agendas of many covert groups on Earth, but ultimately the whole drama of our evolution is part of the cosmic theatre. We exist in a living universe and life is everywhere. Our Kundalini plugs us into the cosmic drama and the evolutionary imperative of creation.

Today is amped up with the Full Moon at 19.58 GMT

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