
Monday 29 April 2013

3 Water or Moon, Monday 29 April (My Mayan Birthday)

Transmissions and emanations from the soul.

A general sense of charged emotional energy, anticipation, agitation, anxiety or excitement without a definite discernible reason is present today. Hold it lightly; this is the engine of your soul revving up and warming up.

Alternatively, today feel the flow of energy as one thing gradually flows into another; see the day as a wave form or as wave forms, cresting and falling, then rising again. To stay in the flow, utilize the power of Water and offer yourself to life. Be ready to give to the moment and to share.

Allow deeper feeling to surface and you will find that you can quite naturally communicate from the soul, cleansing hidden emotions whilst giving permission to others to do the same.

Allow different areas of concern or interest to merge and overlap. Stay in the flow and you will find that staccato or oscillating thoughts, fuelled by tension and adrenalin, will dissolve into natural movement. A day of confluence.

1 comment:

  1. It has been a day of flowing and sparking rainbow energies (saw another one this morning). Moving with grace between work, play, duty; clarity, healing, openess; rain and sunshine; wind and stillness; sharing and solitude.
