
Sunday 30 June 2013

13 Monkey, Sunday 30 June

A great day to liberate oneself from the weight of your concerns, to release yourself from worry. Life is asking you to enjoy the unexpected. If you can be spontaneous today, it is a day of playfulness.

When the cosmic matrix is laughing, life can seem mighty strange due to the fragmentation and disruption of what we think is important.

Trickster energy. How do we manage it?

We have to laugh at ourselves.

Habituation is assuming without understanding, judging without weighing, reacting from bias rather than evident fact. It is a reduction of our awareness rather than an expansion of our consciousness.” Harry Moody

Last quarter of the Moon today, Saturn gradually coming to a standstill at the end of its retrograde in early Scorpio.
New Moon on the 8th July and Saturn changes direction on the 9th.

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