
Saturday 8 June 2013

4 Water or Moon, Saturday 8 June

Set the parameters of your emotional capacity; be honest about what you can expose yourself to.

 How much you can handle?

 What areas can you handle getting involved in?

What do you need to debate and what drama is good for you? Where must you stay clear? What should you avoid? Purify your emotions, cleanse and release, reset your emotional body. What do you have to offer?

 Feeling Space

Explore the boundaries of your emotional space, it is a space just like the physical space, it is substance that exists in the collective substance of emotions and feelings. The easiest way to connect is to visualize the aura the subtle fields of emotion and thought that interpenetrate your body and surround it.

Neptune is retrograde and the Moon Cycle comes to an end today and a New Moon is seeded, feel the transition...subtle feelings are heightened all round, you can connect via your feelings to the emotional atmosphere of the planet as a totality today

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