
Sunday 29 September 2013

1 Darkhouse, Foredawn, in-the-house or Night, Monday 30 September

A new time wave begins today, one which asks you to enter the crack between the worlds.

Make space in your life for the new to enter. Stay with the edge of uncertainty and embrace the intangible energy that exists between time and space, action and inactivity, light and dark.

How do we enter the new reality?

Through time.

Specifically through reconnecting to real time, whilst still functioning with the civil calendar (artificial time of the normal 60 seconds, 60 minutes, 12/24 hours, 7 day week, 30 day month, 12 month year starting on January 1st). The civil calendar being a product of recorded history, a structure that is now eroding and becoming less viable as the determiner of our reality context.

So we need

1. The 260 day calendar is the time of gestating potentials and the involution of the soul into linear time-space.

2. Body time aka real time (my new phrase) is based on: the real unit of time of the day; sunrise, mid day-Sun at highest point, sunset, midnight-Sun at lowest point; Moon Cycle and the Yearly Cycle based on real astronomical facts, ie Solstices and Equinoxes.
There is a lot to say about all of this, but contemplate your daily mode and rhythms, your natural seasonal rhythms and lunar responses...

All scales of time and all measurements of time evoke a corresponding scale and complexity of space

Herein is the riddle, is the mystery

Although not solvable, the encounter with it allows one to experience the magic of existence...

Open yourself to the miraculous

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