
Sunday 15 September 2013

12 Rabbit, Sunday 15 September

A day of coherent light and a day of clarity. A good day to organize your consciousness. The diversity of your thinking or the diversity of emotions, or the diversity of intentions, can find some coherence today. You have the opportunity to understand the new energy of this timewave that has transformed you in some manner, to integrate quite effortlessly.

Your thoughts, which may have been scattered, can coalesce naturally and effortlessly today.

The many radiant thoughts and emotions you have today can come together as a coherent understanding if you tune into them all as products of light, for they are all emanating from you. You are a ball of light, a star, a singular monad.

This Earthmover timewave which is the same one that led us through the 2012 Winter Solstice, today reveals to you the omni-directional potentials for change that are present due to the 2012 influx as the first 260 day cycle has passed.

Here are I am talking to a friend on 2012 and...

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