
Wednesday 18 September 2013

2 Monkey, Wednesday 18

The challenge of the Dog timewave, as 2 Monkey tells us, is how to hold two opposing views and beliefs; how to entertain the fact that differences between people, their needs and perspectives is okay.

A good day to not take contrary viewpoints or feelings of those around you too seriously. It's okay!

This includes realizing there will always be emotional discrepancies within yourself, your truths and your actions.

Your divine incessant creativity and the machinations of the monkey mind can get in the way of the emotional needs in relationship, or can be a source of fun and spontaneity within relationship.

As I wrote on the last Monkey 2  , which of course was 260 days ago...

"If Monkey 2 is setting the tone for 20:13 (this being Januray 1st 2013) we can expect a year of intense deceptions and conflict in the geo-political arena"

totally right...

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