
Wednesday 2 October 2013

3 Serpent, Wednesday 2 October

by obeyyourmaster at deviant art

The life force is stirring. Today is about energy moving and the dynamics of power; the shifting nature of power and who has power.

Day three is always restless and when it comes to power we have to watch the ego, especially when living with access to spirit, frustration can lead to desperation and then the darkside if we compare our successes to those who have not yet woken up. The charismatic successful celebrity and billionaire scene is populated with psychopaths. Stay true to yourself do not compare your life to exteranal images of success, invariably, not always, they are rotten inside.

Stay with the lifeforce...

You may feel vitalized and sexy without having a direction or place to act out your desire. It is just a day to feel the life force stirring. Venom and anger can change into soma and higher consciousness, poison can be used for healing. See how energy changes, feel that subtle point where pure primal desire can be used for any endeavour as it turns.

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