
Wednesday 30 October 2013

5 Reed or Skywalker, Wednesday

The Moon is in its waning phase, giving us less energy, yet the intensity is building as we move towards the next exact square of Uranus and Pluto, together with the exceptional Eclipse/New Moon of the 3rd November. Prepare to move forward in a changing environment, the forward momentum is tangible but the forward motion comes with a ricochet from polarity to polarity.

The Eclipse comes with a challenge to hold onto our emotional response, whilst in the thick of it, as things move slowly but undeniably forward it is tempting to look for the easy solution, to get high. Stay centred, do not over react, press on with an edge of detachment and stay connected to the sober voice inside. More on the eclipse on Thursday.

Today observe everything all around you, see how you feel in different situations, the message of the day is be aware, be conscious in all directions of the energy sphere that live within, whilst you stay in the centre.

Connect to your higher self at the same time as being centred in home and family, gather your energy and resources, find your inner authority

This can be a detached, floating, suspended and waiting kind of day.

The proactive person will be consciously centering themselves today.

Sit in the middle of a circle, acknowledge the 4 directions of east, south, west and north, then acknowledge the sky above and the Earth below. Feel yourself centred on Earth in your life whilst connecting to the higher self beyond time and space.

Call upon the higher self to help you find the strength of mind to recognize that you are the author of your life and also play your part, at least from time to time, to act as guide to other people.

Evoke the intelligence of your centre, feel into it, the subtle centre.

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