
Tuesday 19 November 2013

12 Reed or Skywalker, Tuesday

A day of great clarity in areas of complexity. You see your life with real detachment, from above; with this, a profound understanding is possible. The mind is aligned with higher complex ordered intelligence.

Surrendering to the intelligence above, you receive that intelligence so as to formulate new patterns and understandings and bring divine intelligence into the body, onto the Earth.

Be an Earth conduit for the Sky and Stars.

You can resolve some difficult paradoxes today. If you have been struggling with a situation that is full of polarized conflicting and confusing dilemmas then you may well find that by tuning in, you can see a larger pattern, a more complete truth that allows for discordancy within a larger dynamic harmony.

You are able to organize your thoughts for effective communication and/or you really understand the complex pattern of communication. This could mean gaining awareness of a specific exchange you have had with someone recently or being able to discern the communication dynamic you have with people.

Comet Ison will be at its closest to us around December 26 (dependent upon last moment orbital adjustments and providing it does not burn up as it sling shots the Sun) We will be in its Debri around January 12 2014. 

Ison was discovered on 21 September 2012 with Mercury in Libra opposite Uranus and square Pluto, it is a messenger of the Uranus square Pluto configuration and The 2012 Effect. The Sabian Symbol for Mercury was a blazing fire in a deserted home Keyword Guardianship. Be conscious and careful, do not leave things to their own devices.

The civil year calendar begins on January 1st with a new moon in tight conjunction with Pluto, change on the level of mainstream society. The 2012 Effect has stepped down into our middle world/astral world with the last eclipse. In the year 2014, The 2012 Effect will be apparent in the global social theatre. The year 2014 demands our attentiveness, not fear, but strength and care, protections and clarity.

At present there are four comets visible from some parts of Earth. The writing is in the sky.

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