
Monday 6 January 2014

8 Crocodile, Monday

Today on 8 Crocodile day make the commitment to move into accepting who you are and feeling the nourishment that life is looking to give to you.
Nurture yourself and others, be patient with your desire to renew your life in this new year, set a deep resolve for change that recognizes the reality of how ingrained habits are. You can change your life this year, there is plenty of energy, but the motivation needs to be connected to and to reach down into the deep recesses of your soul.

Activities that emphasize sustenance and maintenance are in accord with the Mayan energy of the day. Practical activities that support the nourishment of your life are highlighted. Keep your life going, and feel the viscous emergence of that which is being birthed...

Healing Superstars

One of the myths of the new age is that to heal ourselves means to rid ourselves of our stuff.

I suggest "healing" actually means acceptance, accepting all the levels of one's being. You were a child and now you have an inner child -- I don’t care if you are a world leader, a guru, a political journalist or a hard-nosed scientist, that brat and/or little sweetie still lives within.

The healing is the acceptance, which the allows us to gain some detachment from the lower levels of our psyche.

Being the Mystery

Crocodile is also the primal force that gives birth to all things. What new undifferentiated essence has been born in you? The birth of energy today is one of appreciation, lovingness, protection and care, rather than a surge forward with any goal-orientated project. Whatever you are doing, simply appreciate the juice of life and sustain life with a sense of the slow forward movement that emerges from the depth of your primal roots.

New Years Resolutions
Here are two facets to consider as you set your intention to change
1. The New Year spiritually begun on Winter Solstice, the Civic Year begun on January 1st, the newness of the year will be felt emerging with Imbolc/Chinese New Year, the renewal of life is evident with Spring Equinox.

2. The time it takes to create new habits

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