
Wednesday 2 April 2014

3 Deer, Hand or Grasp

Flowing and merging, then emerging.

Today's energy is a waveform of fluctuation between gently holding, but not quite grasping, then releasing, but never fully letting go. There is no point of stasis within the relaxation or the holding moment on 3 Deer day.

Feel how the instinct of survival and the necessity of keeping control of structures within your life ebbs and flows. A good day to exercise the muscle of the psyche that stays engaged with life, yet with an element of detachment.

Let go of absolutes and remain responsive; feel the flow and stay attentive to the surging changes of direction of your mental, emotional and physical energy. The intense Full Moon is pushing us to make the emotional effort to engage with ourselves and others in the area of emotional exchange. The 2012 energy is increasing in intensity, as I see all around me from all the people I meet. Go back, review, recapitulate to change track, change scripts and change timelines as there are no doors open to this old timeline.

This extraordinarily powerful Moon Cycle is building, the earthquake in Chile this morning being an obvious expression. We can hope that this has released some of the tension from the planetary field, but I very much doubt that this is enough on its own. The upcoming total eclipse of the Moon on 15 April is close to the peak of the Grand Cross alignment (around 23rd April).

The energy during the whole of April will yield the events that define the decade, either in April or following on from April. The general sense is of a release and an opportunity to move forward.

Hold your horses...

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