
Friday 31 October 2014

7 Storm, Friday

Today you can feel the need to break free from your patterning and/or can move into resonance with the soul's need to liberate the self from the psychic matrix that you are presently experiencing.

Seven is the mystical number that reflects the great mysteries, making them accessible in a stepped-down form in our realm. Seven creates a resonance of understanding or feeling with ineffable consciousness.

Storm is the day of refreshment and novelty that vitalizes our life.

Today, be a resonant being by enjoying the spontaneous, as well as the interruptions to your normal routine and habits.

I extended my morning practice and then went for a two hour walk and swim, the weather is perfect here in Hong Kong right now... Thank the Gods
If you are in HK area, it is a perfect time for outdoor Shamanic Ceremony, drop me a line.

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