
Tuesday 6 October 2015

9 Storm, Tuesday

The shaft of light then enters the drama, a window of awareness into the completion of the cycle and the new space being offered

The Mayan sacred calendar measures a different but ever-present realm; it is the layer of the tapestry of reality that connects the Earth, Nature and the human world with the greater cosmos and this day is a wake-up day.

A day of realization -- not a rational understanding, but a soul-felt liberating connection, a memory from the future. A reminder that you were meant to drop that 'thing' you had already planned to let go of, or to break out of 'this'.

A sudden bolt of lightening acts to cleanse, purge, purify and catalyze you. This could include meeting some strange but familiar person.

A good day to feel the spirit of freedom that lives within you.

Storm 9, a day to be alert to a peak experience as a hole in time opens up in the most unexpected place and in the most unexpected moment.

As Russia decimate ISIS, the full extent of the deception is revealed. The original acronym ISIS comes from Israel Secret Service Intelligence, here we see an Israeli researcher in 1990 inadvertently telling us everything we need to know about the whole charade...1 minute of your time here

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