
Tuesday 22 December 2015

8 Owl or Vulture, Winter Solstice

A pertinent and powerful day for this Solstice that sets the deep tone for the year ahead. Perfect day for ceremony in the Maya System, a day to release inhibiting patterns, a deep cleanse, forgive others and ask for forgiveness (can be done in prayer/ceremony), give thanks for all that supports you and set your intention to live your better self. Step into inner mastery, by being in your feelings and work with the complexity of emotions whilst commuting to your truth and best way of being, without self violent will.

Commitment to your role in the matrix as defined by the last timewave (Vulture,Warrior Timewave).

Look after the self by deciding to live your truth, so as to be strong enough to be a healing presence. Feel the underlying essence, the sacred structure you are working with, and gain some clarity into the limits you wish to set yourself. 

Consciously knowing the appropriate limitation brings safety and the realizable freedom that we all yearn for. 

Eight days are days of implementing and organizing that which is emerging, which is to say it is a good day to bring things towards manifestation, to actively draw energies into cohesion and harmony. It is a day of implementing energy in a practical fashion. Compressing ideas and inspiration. 

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