
Monday 8 February 2016

4 Lizard and Chinese New Year's Day, Fire Monkey

Today the raw intelligence or plan of life reveals itself. This is the most basic structural imprint from which all of existence is created; it is the template realm.

Today, you might ask if the ground of your consciousness is fertile, free from weeds and clear of stones so there is room for the seeds of your life intentions to germinate and sprout.

A good day to understand that life itself -- in the general sense -- is intelligent and has intentionality, direction and purpose.

The New energy of the Chinese New Year will be truly felt when the actual new moon occurs at 22.40 HK time or 14.40 GMT/Universal Time. The new moon, the conjunction of the Sun and Moon, heralding the monthly change of emotional current is at 19.16 of Aquarius and it is the significator for the whole Chinese year of The Monkey.

The Sabian Symbol for the 20th degree of Aquarius is

A Big White Dove, a Message Bearer 

This symbol tells us to be open to receive an uplifting and/or guiding message from a pure spiritual source.

So we ask ourselves as we enter the early spring period, what does spirit, my higher self, peace and love aligned divinity want for me in this year, what divine plan has life for me?

And how can I be more involved as the Fire Monkey energizes the environment?

For more on The Fire Monkey, see my piece on Mystic Cyber Crow.

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