
Sunday 10 July 2016

1 Earthmover, Sunday

Feel the force and move with it!
Thirteen days of Earthmover, the synchronic recalibration.

Follow the Synchronicity trail to find your new evolutionary pathway in the next 13 days.

The timewave theme seeded today is one of evolution; groundshaking change that can synchronize us with a new level. It does require some adjustment and integration to be in synch with the new level of reality, but change is inevitable.

To some degree, you have the opportunity to move your life on in an integrated manner during the next 13 days. A little earthquake of disruption is part of that higher integration, so bear that in mind. Shake up, throw away and dispel anything blocking forward momentum.

Connect to the dynamic force of change. Listen to it, feel it and be strong, so that you can go with it in all confidence. 

I am back from the poo farm in Thailand, it is so good to detox....

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