
Sunday 14 August 2016

10 Good Road, Sunday

A tangible sense of solidity based on the subjective, a trajectory of consciousness, a future opens up. 
Has the timeline choice been made? 
Today challenges old concepts of reality are you able to explore the edge of what we call reality, can you keep your awareness open to experience the dreamscape that saturates the world?
 The merging of subjective and objective realities, where imagination and physics meet. 

SEE MORE OF Tatiana here

Your being-ness is the cup or container for consciousness; the abundance of not wanting for “ye shall not want”; the abundance of not clinging nor demanding, for ye are the chalice and the road ahead is expectancy.
A good day to recognize that all human experience, through all stages of consciousness and all human endeavour, is of itself inherently good for those having the experience.
All is good and all is empty, in the Buddhist sense.
Although we know that there are consequences to everything and that purely selfish pleasures—especially of the extreme kind—are destructive to other people, we can recognize that everything that everyone does is motivated by enjoyment.
Enjoyment evolves as we evolve.
Today is a day when we can access the transcendental amorality of all desires, not so that we give permission to the dark, vile and destructive self-serving actions that take place, but merely to expand our perception and acceptance to become more open to what life actually is.
A day where we let go of battling so as to become more open and trusting of life and of the inherent divinity in all life.
This expansive opening of the psyche brings more benevolence, abundance and community connection into our world.
Acceptance overcomes struggle and light dissolves darkness
The deep heartfelt acceptance of what is enables the good, the true and the beautiful to supersede the bad, the false and the ugly.
For what is life when viewed from 10 Road, Grass or Human? It is the ever-expanding journey of life from the lesser to the greater, the ever-expanding discovery of more, the ever-expanding increase in the enjoyment by life of life.

Want more? I have written a short piece on Mystic Cyber Crow that says a little more HERE

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