
Wednesday 5 October 2016

10 Lizard, Wednesday

Key: Vision experienced, immanence, involvement in the dream, experiential state of consciousness, stepping into awareness.

Today, being Day 10 in the Eagle timewave, the soft focus of seeing existence with the clear unsentimental vision of Eagle produces the manifestation of a tangible intention or a visceral psychic connection to the intelligence of life.

A good day to see the present condition and symbolic picture of your life template. A good day to feel the sense or envisage the intent for your purpose and being.

Everything has a template. Every form, be it organic or non-organic, every life has a template. However, I suggest that templates are not fixed as absolutes; rather, they are enduring essential abstract thought-forms evoked from the monadic plane of existence during the involution of consciousness, then shaped by the systemic forces of the material realm.

Why are they not fixed? We live in a feedback universe of toroidal form. Thus your actions and being in every moment are enfolded back into your self, the self that is beyond this life. The template adapts and adjusts, albeit slowly. The template grows and adjusts as we feed back to it from our life experience.

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