
Monday 26 June 2017

1 Rabbit (Star)

Your World Shines
The last timewave ended yesterday with a vision – or an opening of the energy field – to a larger sense of reality. The 13th day of any timewave always opens up into the next timewave.

The Rabbit, or Star, timewave (known as Lamat to the Maya) is about the multiplication in all directions of all things. Today sees the start of thirteen days of abundance.

This new timewave brings light, abundance and vitality; it is fun, can be superficial and even slightly silly, and of course overwhelming – but it radiates a joyful luminescence that originates within your cosmic heart.

Thirteen days that are fertile, creative, playful and beautiful.

Stay conscious within the radiant explosion. Enjoy it, but do not completely acquiesce, agree or invest all of your energy in everything that comes along.

This is the evaluation of the energy on its frequency. However, at the moment the astral energy is permeating the world and to connect to this radiance and beauty that Rabbit evokes we have to look beyond the false light.

The false light is very strong in the world now, it is the pretension of light that is created by the dark agents that seek to control the Earth. These are inter-dimensional beings who work through their terrestrial agents. The false light is most apparent within the naive elements of celebrity; the hidden elements of religion, finance and politics; and the saccharine changelings that seek to cajole the spiritually minded into inertia.

So, look to connect to the radiance from natural environments, to connect to the positive elements of Rabbit.

Do not spend all of your energy reserve.

Remember: Everything is alluring, but do not be seduced by everything that tempts you. However, enjoy the luminosity and step into the abundance and vitality.

Message from Laurence: Excerpt from text first posted on 1 Rabbit, 19 March 2013, but still relevant today:
How does life expand? How does light radiate? How is the cosmos expanding?

Radially, holographically, fractally — with implosions and new radial emanations embedded within a larger expansion.

The Dark Side will be selling their agenda hard, wrapped in soft reassuring words, so remember: Now more than ever it is important to look beyond the glossy image. The … 2012 effect — the evolutionary creative challenge — is well and truly under way… A very wide spectrum of potentiality now exits in the flux state of our world. 

We are being asked to be far more conscious of a far larger diversity of frequencies than ever before.

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