
Wednesday 16 August 2017

13 Storm

Let go as usual on Day 13, but as this is a Storm day, release with more vitality than normal. This is more of a joyous release that energizes you. 

Release anger and frustration by allowing it and then pushing through it. Release all attachments, all assumptions and separation stories.

Remember that chaos brings freedom – you pay with uncertainty, but can tap into the unlimited energy supply of existence.

Reality is compartmentalized. When one compartment becomes too inhibitory, we are offered the chance to break free from its constraints – this takes effort. However, today you get a glimpse of the intrinsic simplicity of releasing the self from the rigid context boxes.

All perceptions of reality are partial. Enjoy the rejuvenation of recognizing that potentiality is always present. No matter how it looks, Life is bigger.

If you are inspired in a diverse and scattered manner today, take heart – any form of overwhelm will allow you to integrate on a higher level in the next timewave.

A day of freeing the self. Release the self and allow your energy to return.

Photo of Laurence, the most free (and freeing) person I have ever known,
who was always himself,
by the fabulously talented Kit Yeung,
Hong Kong photographer, artist and dancer.

And as today is the last day of the  Deer (Hand) Timewave
in which Laurence was born (3 Water),
I felt it fitting to include this beautiful musical tribute video
by our talented friend Clive Keep.

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