
Monday 21 August 2017

5 Lizard

A good day to feel connected to an intelligence within you that transcends the boundaries of your separate self.

There is a coherent intention for your life encoded into every photon you absorb.

The Cosmos is holographic and the Divine Intelligence is fractally encoded into every particle – and most accessible through every photon.

Today, receive the Light. Gather energy, hold energy and know energy is intelligent.

Your life has a basic plan and that plan is part of a basic pattern for evolutionary unfoldment.

To be actively co-creating our reality, we need intent. Intent is far more than a decision formed in the mind – it is decision that is aligned with our deeper feelings and soul purpose.

It is particularly challenging at the moment to reach this alignment because there is a storm on the astral planes – the emotional realm of Earth – due to the cosmic influx. The imperative for our species to survive and evolve is triggering the extreme polarities of the collective emotional realms.

Today is a good opportunity to find some alignment and to summon up intent. 

A baby Monitor Lizard,
spotted by Laurence and me in Penang, Malaysia, in August

[Total Solar Eclipse: Tonight and in the early hours of tomorrow morning, starting at 15:46:50 UTC (GMT) and ending at 21:04:21 UTC (GMT).

Maximum eclipse: 21 August at 18:25:35 UTC (GMT), or in HK this is tomorrow morning, 22 August, 02:25:35. Exact time of the New Moon here in HK is 2:30am 22 August.

This eclipse will not be visible here in Hong Kong, although for all of us on planet Earth, the effects of the eclipse on the subtle planes will be strong. Hold on, find your alignment, summon up your benevolent intent.]

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