
Thursday 10 August 2017

7 Reed (Skywalker)

On Day 7 of every timewave, the energy of the timewave which resonates with Heaven and Earth is revealed. Seven days have a magical resonant feeling; there is an awareness of ‘as above, so below’, or a sense of the timeless moment being present in the day through the filter of the glyph.

The inherent ethic of creation is present on Day 7 in all timewaves. Seven is the resonance with wholeness, not in absolute detail or high sophistication, but it does reveal the general soft-focus view of the whole.

The Deer Timewave reveals its energy as being resonant with the observer mind today.

You can get a good detached view of your whole life today, whilst still operating and enjoying the mundane or ‘normal’ level of reality.

A good day to move into resonance with a higher perspective of reality, whilst functioning in a normal everyday kind of way. Your actions can feel in accord with the divine will.

Above: Composite image using LjL's hand-drawn glyph for the Day Number Seven,
plus his artwork for the Daykeeper Reed glyph. 

Below: LjL's original artwork of all the Mayan Sacred Calendar Daykeeper glyphs.

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