
Sunday 27 August 2017

11 Dog

Let Someone In
What was solidifying yesterday becomes more transparent today. So, for example, if you were feeling stodgy and stuck within yourself yesterday, today a door opens to lead you into another emotional space that is more relational and more resonant with those around you.

Allow someone into your emotional space.

Alternatively and/or simultaneously, your relationship patterns with friends, lover or family turn inside out and offer you another perspective, not only on your relationships but on the whole arena of community, connection and relating.

The sovereignty of self grows today through the adaptive ability of the basic emotions and common needs we all have for the company of others. A good day to modify your needs or feelings.

Eleven day are always like doors opening after the solidity of 10 days.

LjL by Kit Yeung

[Extra message from Laurence, posted on 11 Dog of 25 March 2016:]
Today I was blown away by a photograph (above) and some kind words that appeared on my facebook wall. Artwork and words by Kit Yeung. Kit and her partner Garrick Cheng, who is a Holospheric Astrologer, are very good friends and a very talented couple.

Please forgive me but I want to post what Kit said about this photo...

He always sees from a different perspective which I never thought of.
He brought me to a different world
where I discovered my inner substance and true potential.
He enjoys being in the nature and connects deeply to it.
His mind is free, like birds flying in the limitless sky.
The most important thing is … he teaches me to “BE ME”
Kit Yeung

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