
Tuesday 12 September 2017

1 Skull

Be strong.
Be steady.
Be clear.
Be awake.

Change: 13 days of transformation begins today in the Skull timewave. In this timewave, choices are made. In some areas we cut back to the bone; we let go of some things in order to commit to a new structure and to a change in our lives.

This Skull timewave is strongly empowered as we are in the midst of the timeline choice.* This is the time to take a conscious, spiritual and sovereign position.

Skull is the energy of change from one definitive state to another.

Skull is black and white.

It is time to change.

Today is a day to anchor intention around change, specifically based on recognizing what you need to let go of. What energy and what actions are superfluous to your real needs?

If the answer does not emerge today, then hold the space for the truth to emerge during this timewave.

A good time for dealing with practicalities, as you are able to separate from distractions. Clear-cut actions can be undertaken.

* Note from Carey: Laurence researched and wrote extensively about the timeline choice of consciousness. Amongst other things, he wrote on 6 August 2015: ‘…my research has constantly pointed me to the conclusion that we are rapidly approaching a fundamental species choice regarding the trajectory of our reality,’ and, on 1 Skull in 2015, ‘This 2012 era requires change, the change of human collective consciousness.’

He also wrote much about this pivotal change for humanity on his blog Mystic Cyber Crow, up to and including a matter of weeks before his passing. Mystic Cyber Crow was the blogsite perhaps particularly closest to Laurence’s heart, where he could share much of his inspiration, theories, musings and insights. Many articles are ‘unedited’, in the sense that Laurence wrote in a stream of consciousness as soon as he was inspired or impelled to put his incredible thinking and feeling down in words. 

This was his mission: To share his wisdom, experience, knowledge, and profound understanding of life, in order to empower others so that each individual could find their own conscious, spiritual and sovereign position.  

Nine years ago today, in the Gregorian Calendar, on 12 September 2008,
Laurence was with his men on the beach (with Power Station in the background)
holding a fire ceremony for his stag night.
Blessings and thanks to all the men who were there with him.


  1. Lawrence by far had one of the clearest understandings of the road ahead that Humanity is now moving along. I'm sure had he been more boisterous, he would have been more "famous". However, it was his nature to sit quietly and listen actively; such that, when he did communicate, he did so confidently. What wisdom had he to communicate the complicated pattern of seemingly inconsequential data points to provide a factual unified explanation for the evolution of Humanity? I would venture to say it was his ability to live Life, accepting all of Its aspects both ugly and serene, and all the while seeing the beauty of it All.

  2. Thank you. Yes, I agree totally. Laurence saw the beauty in all of life. The loss of him in my everyday world is devastating, but I feel him with me through his spirit of joy, wisdom, clarity and humour.
