
Sunday 17 September 2017

6 Monkey

The game of life is a game.

Play to win – or rather, play to keep the game of life going by following the clues laid out before you...

By an inch it’s a cinch, by a yard it’s hard,’ Peter Ragnar.

Today has a creative flow to it. A great day to enjoy your work, if you live a vocational life, as part of the game of life, as well as to enjoy your play as part of the task of life.

Today, leisure and pleasure can yield inspiration for your tasks, your purpose or your career.

The world game is totally on; we are living in evolutionary times. Stay alert.

LjL in Coloane, Macau, in September 2012,
enjoying the game of life.


  1. Dear Carey, the posts from you and Laurence let me see symmetry and wonder in an otherwise frustrating span of years. I wish Laurence had not departed so soon, but I'm so very grateful for his life. Grace and peace, Kimberley

  2. Thank you Kimberley, I am grateful for your words. With blessings to you, Carey
