
Tuesday 14 November 2017

12 Water (Moon)

Clear Water
Today is the 12th day of the Obsidian Timewave (also called Obsidian Mirror, or Flint), with the Water (or Moon) Daykeeper.

This timewave is all about facing the shadow and becoming conscious of the levels of reality. Obsidian is the cosmic mirror of truth that separates the wheat from the chaff and which clears the perceptional field. It often asks us to sacrifice that which is not working for us.

The glyph of the Obsidian Mirror (shown above, as well as in the centre of the image below) can be seen as the view looking down onto a Mayan stepped pyramid. The glyph shows us the divisions and boundaries between different realms and entities.

Obsidian is the black volcanic stone that would appear to have no reflection, but which is a most powerful tool for scrying and seeing into the deeper dimensions. Obsidian shards are extremely sharp – surgically sharp in fact. The Obsidian energy can cut with precision through to the core, as well as cut out the shadow material for cleansing.

The 12th day of each timewave is the day when it all makes sense, if you have been following and logging the energies thus far.

Moon or Water is the depth of the soul – true feeling rather than emotion – and today you can recognize what it is that you can offer people and what it is that needs purifying in yourself.

The cosmic principle of Water – be that emotion, feeling, imagination, astral-psychic plasma or the electromagnetic plasmic field of space – is the energy that permeates through all boundary walls.

The resonant vibrations through the fluid fields of existence create the mirror effect. What we see in front of us and around us reflects who we are, or what we are feeling, on the deepest level.

The clarity of the reflection can be a visceral and shocking realization that cuts through our sentiments. However, stay with it if you are seeking to know thyself.

Today is a good day to understand and see some of your truest deepest feelings.

Clear water, the Moon (from one of my paintings) and Laurence's artwork
for the glyph of the Obsidian Mirror.
Composite image created by me in Photoshop.

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